What to feed the hamster?
What to feed the hamster? This problem is faced by many novice hamsters. However, knowing certain "food rules" for hamsters, you will easily pick up a tasty and nutritious diet for your pet.

Grain mixture - the basis of the basics in feeding hamsters. Feed the hamsters with a grain mixture you need daily,1 or 2 times a day. With a two-time feed, the main part of the grain should be given to the hamster in the evening, since hamsters are active precisely in the evening hours.

The composition of the finished grain mixture for hamsters, as a rule, includes oats, wheat, dried peas, peanuts, sunflower seeds. As additional additives in the diet can be included herbal granules, millet, corn. Depending on the breed of hamster, it is enough for him to have 1-3 tea spoons of food per meal.

To feed a hamster it is possible and necessary, besides a grain mix, also juicy forages: greens, fruits, vegetables. However, it should be done very carefully. Hamster can be given beets, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, corn kernels. From fruits are allowed apricots, peaches, apples, pears, bananas. To treat a hamster with these delicacies needs a little.

TOTo spoil a hamster is forbidden by cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic. You can not give him citrus, kiwi. All these vegetables and fruits can cause serious disturbances in the digestive system of the animal.

From the green hamster, you can offer parsley, dill, leaf lettuce, celery - in small quantities. As a treat, you can give the hamster leaves of dandelion, clover, but they should be collected away from the road and thoroughly washed before feeding the hamster.

Hamsters need animal proteins, because you can feed the hamsters with protein food of animal origin. To provide the hamster with a sufficient number of proteins 1-2 times a week you can give a pet a piece of boiled lean meat, preferably chicken, a little cottage cheese or boiled egg. Hamsters can eat and special fodder insects (they usually feed aquarium fish and turtles).

Replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals in the food of the hamster should be through special vitamin supplements. However, not all hamsters like such additives, so you will have to look for one that will please your pet. Mineral stones for hamsters, sold in pet stores, will help the hamster get all the necessary trace elements and at the same time grind your teeth.

Water for hamsters is mandatory. Contrary to popular belief, hamsters are far awaynot always can receive a sufficient amount of liquid from succulent fodder. Therefore, it is better to equip a cage with a hamster with a special water bottle and always monitor the cleanliness and freshness of the water in it. The usual bowl is not suitable, because a hamster can easily turn it over and pour water.

You, of course, love your hamster and are ready to treat him with various delicacies. However, remember that to feed the hamster with chocolate, sweets, salted and spicy dishes, smoked foods and canned food is strictly prohibited!

Feed the hamster correctly and let your pet grow up healthy and fun!

 What to feed the hamster?
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