How to choose a diet for aquarium fish
Beginner aquarists are particularlyabout the proper feeding of their pets. What food should be given to the fish? How much food do you need for one meal? Do fish need additional supplements or vitamins? To help aquarists, beginners advice on how to properly choose a diet for their fish.

First of all, it is necessary to study howfish live in their natural habitat. For example, fish that are used to collecting food on the bottom, will not eat food that floats near the surface of the water. Some species of fish need additional plant food. Therefore, choosing a diet for your fish, you need to focus on their natural "preferences".

The food for aquarium fish should bediverse. Even if the fish feed on ready-made food, which, as a rule, already contains all the necessary substances, it is still necessary to change it from time to time. In the diet of fish must be a live food.

If you feed the fish with monotonous food, in which there are few vitamins, it will cause them beriberi, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, weakening of immunity.

The size of the food for fish also matters. It is important that the feed particles are not too small and not too large. After all, the food should be convenient for digestion, but at the same time the fish should make some effort to eat it.

Seasonal or age factors also affectchoice of diet for aquarium fish. So, for example, that fish begin to spawn, it is necessary to feed them abundantly, with live food. Fry and sick fish are also desirable live food.

Thus, when choosing a diet for aquarium fish and the mode of feeding them, several rules should be remembered:

  • fish can not be overfed;

  • it is always desirable to feed fish at the same time, pouring food in a certain place;

  • fish need to be given a variety of food, including live food;

  • the diet of fish should take into account their natural features.

How to choose a diet for aquarium fish
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