Diseases of guinea pigs

Pneumonia, rickets, conjunctivitis, runny nose, salmonellosis, herpes... do you think these diseases are typical only forof people? And here not. Although, it would seem, where in such a small fluffy lump can take so many ailments? All the fault - the wrong conditions of detention.

Therefore, if you notice that your pet is changingin character and behavior, if he has a cough, discharge from the nose and eyes, hair loss, cramps, tremors, skin irritation - be sure that the animal is sick and you need to take active measures to cure it.

Redness and swelling of the eyes, squinting and gluing of eyelids, fear of light, tears - all these are signs of a developing conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. In the next stages of the disease, purulent discharge from the eyes, inflammation of the skin around the eyes, opacity of the cornea, and, eventually, loss of vision. For the treatment of conjunctivitis apply 3% solution of albucid, tetracycline or hydrocortisone ointment.

<p <strong >> Runny nose in guinea pigs</ strong> can be caused by a cold, as well as bacteria or viruses. If the cause is a cold, then it causes a defeat of the respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs.
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Rickets is a disease that occurs as a result of a lack or in general absence of mineral salts and vitamin D in feeds, as well as from the violation of the glandsinternal secretion. As a rule, rickets are more common in young guinea pigs, especially in winter. How can you recognize rickets from your pet? An animal, as a rule, has a thickening of the joints, a curvature of the limbs, a sagging of the back, a lag in growth. For the treatment of rickets, a quartz lamp is usually applied for 10-15 minutes for two weeks, as well as a special complex of vitamins.

Cardiovascular diseases in these rodents are associated with frequent stress and high fever in a home environment. Although they are rare enough. The main symptoms of the disease are rapid breathing and pulse, as well as physical weakness. To facilitate the existence of a pet, it must be moved to a dark, quiet room with an air temperature of at least 22 ° C, but not more than 25 ° C. If the animal is in serious condition, the veterinarian will propose an injection of effortil, which gives a good result.

Meteorism in guinea pigs may cause a violation of the activities of bodiesrespiration, or cardiac system, and also lead to death from suffocation or cardiac arrest. Massage of the tummy and complete emptying of the intestine can help the animal. The defeat of the digestive organs of guinea pig, which is called enteritis, occurs most often due to the absence of hay in the diet. Bloating and diarrhea are the main symptoms of the disease. A particular form of enteritis is salmonellosis, which is also accompanied in an acute formstrong diarrhea, and within 24-28 hours leads to death. If this disease is chronic, then the animal constantly repeats diarrhea and lacks appetite.

External otitis causes inflammation of the auditory canal in guinea pigs. It can arise because of penetration of the ear shell water, dirt or insects. The main symptom of the disease is the secretion of pus from the ears, as well as the restless behavior of the animals.

A fatal disease of the "plague" is due to a specific virus. It can not be immediately recognized, sinceThe incubation period of the plague can last 1-3 weeks. The animal is impaired coordination of movements, there are convulsions, weakness and apathy, and sometimes paralysis of the hind limbs. Death occurs 10 days after the onset of the first symptoms. Medicines for the plague do not exist, so veterinarians recommend to lull the rodent immediately after setting this sad diagnosis.

Diseases of guinea pigs
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