Cats have festering eyes: what to doOne of the typical symptoms of many diseases iscats are secretions from the eyes - transparent or purulent. And if clear discharge can be a variant of the norm, then purulent unambiguously indicate that the cat is not well. What to do, if the cat is festering with eyes?

Watery discharge (usually they are clear, sometimes slightly grayish or reddish) are tears, which are usually an allergic reaction, as well as a reaction to mechanical damage. And here thick purulent secretions of greenish or yellow color usually indicate infection (fungal, bacterial, etc.). This symptom can in no case be ignored - a purulent inflammation will not pass by itself.

Purulent discharge in cats can be symptoms of both ocular and systemic diseases. Such discharges may be accompanied bydiseases of the eyelids, cornea, conjunctiva, various eye traumas. Systemic diseases, accompanied by purulent discharge, are primarily chronic viral infections, as well as a dangerous disease, like panleukopenia (a plague in cats).

When the cat's eyes fester, the first thing to do is show it to the vet, who will take tests (usually donemicroanalysis of flushing from the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunctiva), will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate complex treatment. Usually prescribed as general therapy (antibiotic treatment), and local (eye drops, ointments). Specific drugs the doctor will choose depending on the disease, self-medication should not be dealt with.

How can you ease the condition of the cat before meeting with a veterinarian? First aid for purulent discharge from the eyes includes washing the eyes. It is best to do this together: an assistant holds a cat, and you wash the animal's eyes.

For washing, you can use broth chamomile, a solution of boric acid (2 tsp for half a cup of water), 0.02% solution of furacilin. The solution should not be hot, but warm. Take a little cotton wool, twist it into a tight bundle, dip into the solution and squeeze the liquid onto the cat's eyeball. Repeat the washing procedure until the cat's eyes are completely cleansed of the pus.

Tampons need to be changed as often as possible, ideally each tampon can only be used once. Cotton wand sticks do not fit (they absorb a little liquid). In no case can not touch a dry swab until the mucous membranes of the eyelids and the eyeball of a cat, it may cause an eye injury.

After washing the eyes, you can carefully apply 1% eye tetracycline ointment. To do this, gently pull the lower eyelid of the cat,apply ointment with a special spatula, close the eye and gently massage it to evenly distribute the ointment. Before applying the tube with ointment it is desirable to warm up a little in the hands, so that it is distributed more evenly.

Do not apply ointment if the cat stubbornly resists: when applied, you can injure the eye. All procedures associated with the eyes, must be done extremely gently and accurately, no violence and rudeness!

But it is worth remembering that these procedures will not help cure the disease, which provoked purulent discharge from the eyes, They will only temporarily ease the condition of your pet. Therefore, you can not refuse to visitTo the vet - the started disease to cure very difficultly, and at times and it is impossible. Timely begun and properly treated can save your pet not only sight, but even life.

Also do not forget about prevention of infectious diseases. It is extremely important to vaccinate the cat in time,then the likelihood that your pet will become infected with some dangerous infection is significantly reduced. Remember: we are responsible for those who have tamed, and the health of your cat is in your hands.

Cats have festering eyes: what to do
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