How to teach a parrot to talk?
Teach your parrot to say - the cherished dreammany owners of these birds. The talking parrot causes delight and tenderness, especially when the guests gather in the house. How can you teach a parrot to talk?
The most "talkative" types of parrots - this is Jaco, Amazon, Ara, Cockatoo. "Ordinary" wavy parrots, so popular with us, are also capable of "talking", but to a much lesser extent. Male parrots are usually easier to learn conversation than females, but females pronounce words more clearly.
So, if you want to teach a parrot to speak, then you need to start learning no later than in 2-3 months of age. Birds older are no longer so receptive to learning.
Parrot should be taught by the same person - the one that the bird trusts. Therefore, before you start learning the parrot you need to tame, ie, it should be calm in your presence, do not be afraid of your hands and sit quietly on your arm or shoulder.
By the way, parrots best remember the speech of women and children - it is easier for them to reproduce the high timbre of a female or a child's voice.
Lessons of "conversation" should be conducted only when the parrot is calm. Nothing should distract him: neither the sound of the dishes, nor the noise from the TV or a working vacuum cleaner. If there are several parrots in the house, then it is unlikely that they will be able to teach them, since they will always distract each other.
Lessons should be held regularly and systematically. Do it every day several timesin a day. For example, you can spend a lesson lasting 10-15 minutes in the morning, before feeding, in the afternoon the lesson should last 30-40 minutes and in the evening you can also have a lesson lasting about 15 minutes.
You need to start learning only with simple words. Usually the first word that beginsto reproduce a parrot is his nickname. Parrot "vowels" "o" and "a" are well given, as well as consonants "p", "t", "k" and "n," sibilant "w" and "h". Therefore, it is preferable to use exactly these sounds in the parrot nickname.
As you learn more and more new words, do notone should forget about the repetition of the old ones, otherwise the bird will simply forget them. Recall that the parrots only imitate the speech of a person, absolutely not having an idea of the meaning of certain words. Therefore, "parrots" say different words or phrases are completely out of place.
If you want the bird to respond to certain actions with words, for example, told you "Hello!" on your return home or "Eat!", when you feed her, you should gradually develop a conditioned reflex in the parrot.
So, when coming home, say in a distinct, even voice, "Hello!" And at the end of the lesson, give the bird a treat. Gradually, the bird will connect the phrase "Hello!" With your return.
When teaching the parrot can not scream, you can not insult him (or he will learn justinsult and will repeat it unceasingly). Some parrot owners recommend covering the cage with a blanket for the duration of the lesson, but the effectiveness of this approach is not confirmed. Rather, on the contrary, under the veil, you can not see the reaction of the bird: how concentrated is its attention?
Should I include a tape recording in order to teach the parrot to speak? This issue is especially concerned with those ownersparrots who can not devote enough time to personal communication. You can use recorded speech instead of live, but you must observe several conditions.
First, it is better to apply the record whenthe parrot already knows at least a few words, and, secondly, even including the record, you still need to stay in the room with the parrot. If the parrot gets used to "talking" in an empty room, then you will not "pull out" a word from it in your presence.
Prepare to be trained parrotconversation is a lengthy process. Depending on their abilities, the parrot can learn 10 words or phrases, or maybe 100-200. The main thing is to remember that an attentive and friendly attitude towards a parrot, caring for it is much more important and valuable things. Be patient and your parrot will certainly repay you with sincere friendship and love!