The content of the parrots of Corella

Cheerful, bright, sonorous. This, of course, is a parrot. Among domestic parrots are very popular Northen Corelles (Nymphicus hollandicus), also called nymph parrots or simply corals. These Australian birds are known for their bright large crest on their heads.

The corelles grow up to 30-35 cm in length, the flared wing canreach a length of 17-18 cm, tail - up to 18 cm weigh these parrots to 150 grams. They feed mainly on seeds of various plants, berries, nectar, wheat, millet, oats, and in nature - sometimes small insects.

To keep the corella it is important to keep comfortable for this kind ofparrots condition. The value of the duration of a light day - it should be at least 10-12 hours. If the light day is shorter, for example, in winter, then you need to install near the bird cage ultraviolet lamps, which will fill the lack of sun.

The temperature in the room in whichCorella is another very important parameter. Corellas are very vulnerable to temperature changes and, in addition, drafts are dangerous for them. Therefore, the place for the cell should be chosen very carefully, so that the bird is away from the heating batteries, open the ventilation pane. The optimum temperature for the content of corals is 20-25 ° C, with a "+" sign, of course.

The humidity in the room should also be sufficient - 55-60%. If the air is overdone, the bird will begin to pluck outhave feathers. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a constant level of humidity in the room. If this is not possible, then the bird can be sprinkled with warm water from the spray gun.

Nymphs parrots it is necessary to regularly bathe in warm water (30-35 ° C) in a special bath or in a bathtub. After bathing the bird must be dried with a towel.

What should be the cage for the Corellian parrots?

The size of the cell is determined based on the size of the bird itself. There must be enough space in the cage for the parrot to freely open its wings. Minimum cell parameters are:

  • width - 45 cm

  • depth - 50-60 cm

  • height - 60-100 cm

In the cage for the parrots of Corella must be placed one feeder for dry and wet food, one drinker, several perches (2-4), a swing. If desired, you can install in the cage a bath, a ladder. Do not install the mirror. The diameter of the feeders and drinking bowls should be selected so that the head of the parrot is not stuck in them (about 6-7 cm).

It will be useful for a parrot to replace usualfactory perches in a cage with branches of fruit trees and weeping willow (always with bark) about a centimeter in diameter. Branches must be scalded with boiling water.

How to choose a Corellian parrot?

When purchasing a hand parrot, you should choosea bird bred in domestic conditions, and not imported. Preference should be given to individuals bred in cages, and not in enclosures. A hand parrot when a person approaches the cage, will not rush and scream.

If the parrot bites very hard, then it is better to refuse the purchase of this individual.

To properly pick up a parrot, you need to accurately know his age. Very young chicks can be recognized byso bright as in adult birds plumage. The young also often have a short, ruffled tail, whose feathers are dirty. This is because young individuals do not yet have the ability to brush well. Under the crest, the chicks still do not have feathers, and until the first molt on the vertex, they have a large bald spot.

Optimal age to buy - Two and a half or three and a half months.

Determine the sex of the parrots of the coral at the age of 3.5 months is quite difficult. You can precisely install the floor only after reaching this age, when the males begin to sing. Since singing it lasts only about two and a half weeks, individuals are tagged.

Externally the females of the corella more rounded, their outlines are more smooth. Females are calmer than males, they make less noise. Female Corelles color Lutino (white) yellowish males of the same color, but only until the first molt.

After one year, the female corals begin to carryempty, unfertilized eggs. If the birds are not intended for breeding, then these eggs must be thrown out so that the female does not show the instinct of incubation. In any case, during this period the bird needs to be fed with a boiled chicken egg, vitamins, calcium.

Both females and males have equivalent abilities for learning to talk. Therefore, the opinion that it is easier to teach males is not entirely true, they are simply noisier.

Buy parrot nymphs should only in special stores, specialists, since these birds needcontain and breed in appropriate conditions. You can not buy a turtle on the street, especially in cool weather - the parrot may be sick and soon die.

Acquiring a cute and funny parrot Corella, remember - from now on you are in the answer for his pet. Let your bird grow healthy, cheerful and friendly!

The content of the parrots of Corella
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