How to teach a kitten to the toilet?

When a small kitten appears in your house, a lot of trouble arises. A tiny, helpless creature needs your love and care. But even very little kids need as soon as possible accustom. How to do it?

Options for the development of the "toilet" situation canbe two. If the kitten was born from a cat that lives in your house, then the mother cat herself will perfectly cope with the role of "teacher". If the kitten has got into your house still completely unintelligent, then you will be taught to use the toilet. And here the main thing is not to make common mistakes.

First error "The kitten will learn everything himself." If the kitten does not immediately begin to accustom to using the tray, then later it will be even more difficult. If the baby does not show where to go to the toilet, he will choose a place for his "affairs" at his own discretion.

Error Two - "A kitten is trying to spite." Many believe that the kitten almost instinctively needs to know about toilet "wisdom", and if it shits on the floor - it's from harmfulness. In this case, the owners punish the kitten for puddles in every way, but no one shows the poor animal where it is necessary to go to the toilet. A little kitten makes for itself the only possible conclusion: do not want to be punished, do everything secretly. Hence, puddles and piles arise in the most unexpected places.

The correct approach is to teach the kitten to use the toilet. For example, the way you would do it, accustominghis child to the pot. After all, by nature, cats are very clean, they like everything around to be dry and clean, without unpleasant odors. No wonder nature itself in the cat laid the instinct - its "business" needs to be buried.

If the kitten does not have time to learn how to use the tray from your mom, then you can help him. After eating, the kitten must be carried to the tray, seated and, holding one hand, another stroking the belly. As a rule, in kittens the need to go to the toilet occurs almost immediately after eating, so you do not have to wait long for the results. Repeat these steps for several days and the kitten will learn where to go to the toilet.

If the kitten has already used a tray, then your task is to show him that all trays are needed for one purpose. Such a kitten will suffice several plantings to link the need to empty and the tray.

Determine, does the kitten want to go to the toilet?, you can by his behavior. The kitten begins to pave on the floor, his eyes are glassy. In this case, you must drop it on the tray in time. Try not to frighten the baby. Do not shout at the kitten and do not beat him, if he still managed to "shit" - all the same you will not achieve it.

What should be the tray for the kitten? Any of the following can be used as a tray:capacity of a suitable size. The height of the tray should be selected depending on the growth of the kitten and the filler used. If you select a tray of insufficient height, the filler will be scattered all over the floor. If you plan to use a tray without a filler, then equip it with a grate. Kitten is extremely unpleasant to stand naked paws on the wet!

Cat Fill can be sand, pressed sawdust, cutpaper, special absorbent filler. It is important to choose a filler that the kitten would like - otherwise he may not want to use it for the intended purpose.

An important role in teaching the kitten to the toilet is played by the place where the tray is located. If you put the tray in the bathroom or toilet, then do not forget that the kitten should have constant access to it. To do this, you can leave the door ajar, or make a special lazy for them in the kitty.

How to teach a kitten to the toilet?
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