Education of a kittenYou decided to get a cat or cat at home, chose and bought a kitten. Of course, you want your pet to be playful and affectionate. Therefore it is very important education of a kitten. Today, the Country of Soviets will tell you how to raise a kitten.

The first thing to remember - cats are much more difficult to train than dogs, and some do not give in at all. So "blind" of the animal what you want, will not be so easy, therefore, the upbringing of the kitten needs to start from a very early age. The most important bases of the kitten's education are laid at the age of up to six months.

First of all, the environment is very important for the upbringing of the kitten. It should be comfortable, the animal shouldas soon as possible get used to the new situation and new people. It is better not to take the baby out of the droppings too early, apart from the mother, brothers and sisters. Wait until he himself has weaned from his mother in a natural way - then it will be much easier to raise a kitten. Moreover, many types of behavior of the animal are laid down for up to three months when communicating with the mother and other kittens.

How many kittens to take? Many owners decide to keep at home not one cat,and a few - so that they were not bored. Indeed, two cats will play with each other, splashing out excess energy and even aggression. Together they will not be bored and boredom spoil furniture and houseplants. But at the same time to take two kittens, especially from the same litter, is not worth it. They will cling to each other, and as a result will be unsociable.

If you want to take a second kitten, wait until the first one turns a year. So you can bring up the kitten together with the "old-timer". It happens that kittens do not get along with each other. To "make friends", feed the kittens together, from one bowl. One of them may refuse to eat, but after a day or two the hunger will overcome antipathy, they will start eating together, and then - together play.

For proper education of the kitten, the feeding regime is important. Accustom the kitten is what he is given, otherwise hegrow fastidious. Of course, under "what is given" is not meant harmful or substandard food. An adult cat or cat is enough once a day. Do not feed the kitten from your plate. The fact is that animals have their own hierarchy, according to which the cats with the highest status are the first to eat. As soon as you offer the kitten food from your table, he understands that his rank is higher than yours, accordingly, and he will behave in a businesslike way, which will make it difficult to bring up the kitten.

By the way, the same applies to your bed. In fact, for a kitten your bed is a symbol of power and supremacy. The smell is most concentrated there. Once you allow a cat to lie down on your bed, you actually compare it to yourself in rights. And driving her off the bed, you show who is heremain. That's just starting to do it from the early age. Firstly, the kitten will know its place firmly; secondly, if the adult cat or cat has already established themselves in their right to lie on the bed, then suddenly they were kicked out - this is fraught with insults and aggression.

Education of a kitten does not tolerate indulgences. If you have allowed or forbidden something, it is forever. From an early age, you need to teach the kitten to the trayand to scratching. To accustom a kitten to sharpen claws only with the help of a special plank can be purely mechanical, taking it by the paws and forcing to tear claws. At the same time, take care not to accidentally make the kitten hurt. And you can use catnip or valerian, then the smell will attract the kitten and it will begin to tear claws where it should be done and will not attack your furniture.

All kittens love to play, for them the game is a way of knowing the world around and working out certain behaviors. Try not to play with the kitten with your hands, better use special toys, ropeswith candy wrappers, wands. Then in the future the kitten will not scratch you. If the kitten still scratched you - punish him. Of course, rough physical strength in relation to the animal can not be used. A good method of educating a kitten is a quick click on the nose, which will make him understand that this can not be done.

Some kittens are scratched when they are taken in their arms, because they are scared and unfamiliar. To accustom a kitten to hands it is necessary gradually: take it in your arms for a few seconds, and thenlet him go so that he knows that there is no danger. But to take a small kitten in your arms you need to be very careful. Place one hand under the neck and chest of the kitten, and the second support it from the back. Kittens should not be taken for the scruff of the neck - you can make the kitten hurt, and he will stop trusting you. If you have small children in your home and not yet a grown-up kitten, do not let them take the animal. They are sure to start squeezing and hugging him, and this will disrupt the digestive system.

Education of a kitten is not such a complicated business,if you know how to properly educate. A little love, a little patience, a little bit of self-control - and you can raise a kitten affectionate, calm and non-aggressive.

Education of a kitten

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