What vaccinations a kitten needsThat the domestic cat was healthy, it is necessary to remember the importance of prevention, which is known to be better than the treatment of various infectious diseases.

Such preventive methods includevaccination. And if you become a possessor of a tiny fluffy lump, think about whether to vaccinate a kitten, and whether they are needed, we will answer unequivocally-to do it. In this case, not one, but all necessary.

About that, when and what vaccinations it is necessary to do to kittens (including thoroughbreds), and our article will be.

Before vaccination, attention should be paid tothe condition of the pet - it should be completely healthy, and it does not matter whether you are vaccinating kittens for British, Sphynx or Scottish (lop-eared or pryamouhim) - this rule is common for all breeds.

The animal should have a normal temperature,good appetite and normal stool. There should be no external signs of illness, such as sneezing or cough, discharge from the eyes. The second nuance about which it is necessary to remember - vaccination is spent after preliminary processing of an animal from fleas and worms (for 10 days).

What vaccinations do kittens

What vaccinations a kitten needs

Some owners of cats do not even know what dangers threaten their pets. This and cat's leukemia, and rabies, and infectious peritonitis, and viral rhinorrhea, and panleukopenia ...

From all these diseases, the kitten must be vaccinated. And for all thoroughbred kittens they will be the same.

Vaccination against rabies for kittens

What other vaccinations are needed for a small pet? If you intend to take your pet with you on a trip or visit an exhibition, then the kitten needs a vaccination against rabies.

Suitable for both domestic and foreignvaccine. When to get a vaccine against rabies kitten? He must be the first to be transferred at the age of three months. For those pets that do not come into contact with other animals, the period may be different - eight months.

The fact that a kitten after vaccination may have health problems, because such drugs have a fairly strong effect on his body.

Vaccination against rabies has a limited duration of one year. Therefore, annual vaccination is mandatory.

At what age do kittens need to be vaccinated?

A very important question is when to make the firstInoculation of the kitten. Primary vaccination is prescribed when animals reach 9-12 weeks of age. It includes inoculations from the main feline diseases - panleukopenia (plague), viral rhinotracheitis and calicivirus infection.

There is also a vaccine, which will provideeven protection from feline chlamydia. The first vaccination of the kitten is done - now after three weeks it will be necessary to conduct a booster vaccine with a similar vaccine. Two weeks later, the kitten will develop a permanent immunity. The third vaccination is done when the cat reaches the age of one year.

What vaccinations a kitten needs

Then it will have to be done every year. If the animal is vaccinated, having already reached the age of six months, then the vaccine can be done once, since its immunity is already quite strong.

This will be the answer to the question of when to vaccinate British kittens and pets of other breeds when they are taken slightly grown.

To protect the pet from ringworm, you cana vaccine can also be used. How many kittens are vaccinated is not so important, since such vaccination is not connected with the above described and is done twice with a break of 10-14 days.

In order not to forget which vaccination and when was done, it is better to have a special passport in which all dates and other necessary information will be recorded.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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