Ampulary snails

Aquarium ampullaria were brought to Europe from South America at the end of the XIX century. In Europe, they quickly became popular among aquarists due to not only the size, but also the color. Outwardly, the ampullariae are very similar to common snailswho live in the rates of our climaticzone. But ampullaria in nature can grow much larger than our snails. Of course, everything depends on one or another type of ampularia. Thus, giant snails of the ampullaria can reach 8 cm in size.
The snails of the ampullaria are very unusual. Their coloration can vary from very light to dark brown. It is also worth noting that the ampullarians do not breatheonly dissolved in water by air, but also atmospheric. In the latter case, they rise to the edge of the water and stick out their breathing tube, through which air is pumped into the lung.
Ampularea: content
Ampulary snails Are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. They fit any water composition. But with her softness you should be careful. In the soft water, the ampullaria destroy the shell. On the sink may form ulcers or indentations. On the behavior of snails, this is likely not to affect, but to deprive mollusks of their natural protection is also not worth it. Also do not overpopulate your aquarium with snails. One 10-gallon water is required for one ampoule.
To the temperature in the aquarium snails ampullaria are also undemanding. They are suitable water temperature from 15 to 33 ° C. But never forget that at a temperaturewater below 20 ° C in snails slows metabolism, so they live twice as long. But in cold water, snails become sluggish and do not multiply. In warm water the snails of the ampularia differ in their activity, so these mollusks are great for large tropical aquariums.
In nature snails of ampullaria eat plant food. But ampullarians in the aquarium are more prone toprotein food. Therefore, very often one can observe that snails eat frozen food. However, for fish ampulyariyam not keep up, so they get little food.
But still ampullarians will always eat vegetation, which will be scraped off stones or glass. It should also be noted that When there is a lack of food, ampullarians can eat plants. To prevent this from happening, do not keep snails inaquarium with tender plants. Not only will the snails start to gnaw them a little, so the plant can also break down under the weight of the ampullaria. The best plants in the aquarium, where snails live ampularia, will be algae with wide, strong and fairly stiff leaves.
Also do not forget that An ampullar can be fed with plant foods that fish will not eat. So, you can give them salad leaves,cabbage, raw cucumber or carrots. It is also possible from time to time to give ampullarians some white bread. To water is not contaminated, do not often feed snails bread.
Ampulary snails: reproduction
Naturally, each aquarist wants to multiply an ampullar, so that these large beautiful molluscs are not required in a couple of years to buy again. Ampular can be multiplied, but for this it is necessary to contain them for several pieces. The fact is that the snails of the ampularia are heterosexual, and it is simply impossible to determine which of them is who. For your snails to accurately give offspring, keep them in aquariums for 3-4 pcs.
The female of the ampularia lays eggs not on the walls of the aquarium, but over the surface of the water. For this, she will come out herself and find a goodplace for masonry. It is not necessary to transfer eggs without acute need. Also it is worth noting that in search of a place for laying an ampularia can get out of the aquarium. If you do not find it in time, the snail may die.
Postponed ampullar caviar ripens in 2 weeks. During this time, she will change her color, and herthe surface kills. Small snails break the shell of the eggs and fall into the water. Since young snails have a very soft shell, they can become easy prey for all fish. And in the general aquarium, most of the snails will still die. To save the snails, a mesh with small cells is placed under the laying of the eggs. When the snails fall out of the masonry, they can be moved to a special aquarium where they will grow.