Cones in dogs
Your pet needs care, so you need to examine his body, because there may be lumps or tumors that will lead to unpleasant consequences. Cones in dogs, which do not pass for several days, you need to show the vet. If a lump or tumor is examined in time, then it can help identify an abscess and other malignancies.

Let's talk about what are tumors and bumps in dogs.

Abscess. The cause is a bacterial infection,which causes swelling of the subcutaneous layer. This can be the result of a bite or a stab wound. The dog feels pain, its temperature rises. Such a swelling develops within a few days, as well as an abscess and a puff. A wound can form on any part of the body of the dog, so if the behavior of the pet seems suspicious, it is worth doing a complete examination of it.

Piodermia or gonorrhea disease in puppies. In many breeds of dogs, such bumps are manifested infour months of age. The causes are not yet established, but it is believed that this is caused by hypersensitivity of the organs. The symptoms are as follows: swelling near the eyes and on the head. Such bumps in dogs arise suddenly, they can also fester and blush, spreading all over the body.

Cyst of the salivary glands. Recognize such a bump is very easy, since the tongue of the dog will hang on one side, because it will be swollen. Also, tumors can form under the tongue and at the jaw joint.

Cyst. A dog can grow a subcutaneous tumor in any part of the body, so finding such a swelling is a bit complicated.

Cyst between fingers. You immediately notice the formation of a lump between the pet's fingers. These abscesses can blush, and when you press them, the dog will feel pain.

Warts and papillomas. Smooth-haired dogs often have such aproblem. The reason is not established, but such bumps in dogs can occur due to a viral infection. On the body of the pet, you will notice dermal outgrowths of dark color. They are painless, but in any case, you should visit a veterinarian.

Ulcers. The cause may be viruses, but the consequence is the red areas that can appear on any part of the body.

Hematoma. The most common place for educationhematoma is the dog's ears. Such bumps in dogs appear when blood vessels are damaged or when excessive fluid is formed after the operation. This tumor is soft, with its presence changing the shape of the part of the body where it is located. There may also be pain in the animal, but it usually does without them.

Sensitivity at the injection site. The cause may be irritation after the injection. The dog can have a fever, and at the injection site a swelling is formed, which is accompanied by painful sensations.

Insect bites. After biting a bee or a tick, for example, a swelling is formed, which will be very painful. A bite can become dangerous if the sting has hit the muzzle or mouth.

Remember that for all damages the dog needslead to the veterinarian, since the result of many wounds can be deplorable. After the sting of the bee, it is not worth it to be self-willed and lively to apply a soda solution to the damaged area. After all, the dog may have an allergy to bee stings. But if the mite climbed under the skin, then pull out and smear a spot with oil is not needed, since the mite can be contagious.

The dog is too often and licking himself a lot? It is worth exploring her body, because there may be hiding an insect or a thorn, a wound or a tumor. The dog itself can cause more damage than the initial injury. Also very unpleasant may be granuloma, which is caused by excessive licking. These wounds can be inflicted when the dog is inactive, under stress or nervous excitement. Most often this place is the paw, on which flaunts the swollen red skin.

Watch your pet, take him to the veterinarian, provide him with a healthy environment and adequate nutrition - then he will be healthy and cheerful.

Cones in dogs
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