How not to laugh at an inopportune moment?
Surely each of us at least once in my lifefaced with a situation where he was tempted to laugh at some important and serious event. It's only their impulses have to restrain, because the consequences of inappropriate laughter may not be too gay. How not to laugh at the wrong time for it?
Laughter at an inopportune moment can be caused by various reasons, from "overdose" seriousness and even pathosbefore the need to somehow ease the tension (nervous laughter, a kind of protective reaction). But whatever the reasons for it, you are unlikely to get away with a loud laugh in an inappropriate situation for this. But how not to laugh? How to contain yourself?
One of the most common techniques is to disguise laughter for coughing. Sometimes it works, but it's so goodIt is known practically to everyone that you can very easily "get to the core". And a loud cough can just as well be out of place, like a loud laugh. Especially if before that you did not show any signs of malaise.
Can try to restrain laughter with the help of unpleasant physical sensations, this can distract you. You can pinch yourself, prick with a pin or imperceptibly bite the tongue, the inside of the cheek or lips. Do not overdo it so as not to injure yourself.
If such "barbaric" ways do not appeal to you, you can just hold your breath, as if trying to get rid of hiccups (ifothers will notice that you hold your breath, you can justify the hiccough). But keep in mind that holding your breath can have the opposite effect and making your laughter even louder, so be careful.
There is also the opposite of the above described method: It is necessary to make a good exhalation, such that from the lungs the air accumulated in them. To laugh, a person needs enoughvolume of air in the lungs. No air - you will not laugh. Only the exhalation should be as quiet as possible, if it turns out too loud, you can, again, simulate a cough.
Also You can try to think about something abstract, perhaps it will help you not to laugh. What can you think about? Yes about anything, if only it somehow distracted you. Calculate mentally from one to ten and in the opposite direction. Repeat the multiplication table by nine, if it does not help - then all the other numbers. Remember the birthdays of all friends and relatives.
You can also try to think about something sad - perhaps it will turn your mood by 180degrees and help not to laugh. Remember some sad film or book, the latest world news (they rarely please), the grievances that you have ever been caused by close and not very people. This is unpleasant, but if it is very important not to laugh, this method can be effective.
Or try remember about problems that you have not solved, which you constantly put off in the long box. Recollecting them will repel the desire to laugh, and the benefit of it may be - suddenly you will be able to come up with a solution to any of these problems?
Some people help not to laugh appeal to one's own conscience or fear of consequences. Just think about what awaits you, if youlaugh at an important meeting. Depending on the nature of your bosses and the importance of what is happening, inappropriate laughter can lead to very different consequences, from calling on the carpet to dismissal. Are you ready to take a chance?
Applying all these methods, Try not to look at the cause of your laughter - sometimes it seems that with a laugh it was possiblecope, but it's worth to take one look at the one who made you laugh, and an uncontrollable fit of laughter will begin again. So look somewhere else - at least on the wall, even in a notebook, even on the toes of your shoes.
In general, laughter, like crying, does not lend itself to ourcontrol, and sudden outbursts of laughter - not a sign that you are not all right. But this, of course, does not mean that you need to laugh about and without - there are some rules of propriety. We hope that our advice on how not to laugh at the wrong time will help if you ever need to restrain irrelevant laughter.