Feminine eyes of menModern women have become less and lesspay attention to their femininity, so their behavior and character becomes similar to the male. But it is reliably known that it is the femininity of a beautiful stranger that makes a man's heart beat more often. What does it really look like femininity through the eyes of men?

Many women think that femininity personifies their beauty. Long hair, well-groomed face, beautifulmakeup, soft velvet handles ... But you have to disappoint, because beauty and femininity are not always identified. A woman can be beautiful, but her manners and behavior will leave much to be desired. Therefore, femininity can not always be identified with beauty. Beauty is just a shell that creates a first impression. And the first impression, as you know, is often deceptive. But it is also impossible to say with certainty that beauty is not part of femininity. Beauty - this is just one of the aspects that, in general, are united in the concept of femininity.

How do women see themselves? Any woman, considering herself in the mirror, pays attention only to her beauty. But no one thinks about his character, behavior, attitude to other people. And what is a woman in the eyes of a man? Men look at both external and internal beauty - femininity. This should include not only the character, but also the attitude of the woman to herself and to the outside world.

Feminism through the eyes of men: character

As it turns out, the secrets of femininity are in certain traits of character, which, in the opinion of men, a real woman should possess. So, a woman should be sensitive, soft, modest and have a sense of humor. She should rejoice at every new day. A woman should also be caring. But do not forget about such a character trait as playfulness. According to men, playfulness makes a woman desirable and attractive. Therefore, try to show this character trait with the mind and as often as possible.

It is also important to take into account that the disclosure of femininity occurs through the attitude of a woman to herself and to the world around her. So, femininity through the eyes of men means thata woman should love not only herself, but also the people around her and the world. Also, one should not forget such characteristic features of women as mysteriousness and emotionality. These two character traits make a woman a real queen in the eyes of men.

Of course, there are still many criteria that every man can attribute to the notion of femininity. But for every man is very important is the respect of a woman to him. A real woman should not just love a man, but respect his manhood. And the ability of a woman to understand a man and completely dissolve in it is appreciated by every member of the stronger sex.

Feminine eyes of men: external beauty

Beauty plays an important role in creating an image of femininity. Every woman should be beautiful and well-groomed. And not the last role is played by beautiful long hair. Men really like how long hair falls on the fragile shoulders of women. In addition, men like to watch women comb their hair, touch them. By the way, most of all men like not just beautiful hair, but their natural shine and color.

Pay attention also to makeup and manicure. Nails and hands should always be well-groomed and beautiful. A woman should always look good. The light fragrance of a gentle perfume also emphasizes femininity.

Do not forget about the manner of talking and the smoothness of your movements. Harsh cries are not for a real woman. Sharpness of movements should also be left in the past. Femininity through the eyes of men is the smoothness of the movements and the softness of the voice.

As you can see, femininity through the eyes of men isA very multifaceted concept, which consists of character traits, behavior and appearance of a woman. According to the description you might think that all men are looking for ideal women, but they see only simpletons around them. Ideal for all men to become impossible, but for the majority - really. This will help you develop femininity, becauseevery woman can become perfect even in the absence of those or other traits of character. Do not try to change the world, but start with yourself, and then you'll see that men look at you quite differently.

Feminine eyes of men
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