Visualization of desires
Recently, psychological practice under a complex name Re-rendering reality or visualizing desires has become very popular. On this subject, books are written, films are made, various seminars and lectures are held. The main thing is to learn how to visualize your desires correctly.
The popularity of this type of training is determined by the fact, with what ease, without the expenditure of time, power and money, a person can influence his life.
First of all you need to choose the desire, the fulfillment of which is absolutely necessary for you. Do not disturb the universe with empty whims,which can later be completely useless. You must sincerely want what you think, otherwise no visualization of desires will help.
So, having decided on a dream, we begin to represent, as if it has already come true. But here one should also think specifically. Imagine what you want, in detail, down to smells and sounds. This is an integral part of visualization. If you can not do it mentally, try to describe in detail your dream on paper or draw, then the mental picture will become much clearer and clearer.
When you think over all the small details and nuances of what you would like, the most interesting step comes - the actual visualization of desires. This action it is better to do it where you feel most comfortable, where nothing distracts, where you can completelyfocus on getting the most productive result. It can be your house or garden, you can visualize it also in the forest or some other quiet, secluded place. To begin with it is necessary to completely relax and try to think about something pleasant, not connected with work or everyday worries. You can dream about something, it does not have to be connected with the desire that you are going to visualize. When your thoughts fully adjust to rest and relaxation, then it's time to imagine your dream in bright colors and the slightest detail. Imagine how your desire will go into your life, what you will do with it.
The last step is to let go of the dream. This does not mean that you should completely forget aboutThat you want to receive. Visualization of desires implies a complete rejection of the experiences associated with the lack of what you would like. Do not think that you do not have something, do not ask yourself every day about when it will appear. No "if" and "but suddenly." Be completely calm and confident that what you want, will sooner or later knock on your life.
If you do not believe that the visualization of desiresjust the power of thought will help you get something, take a look at it from the other side. First of all, you will decide what you really need, because sometimes it is very difficult to identify what we need in the first place. A correctly set goal will help you focus on what you really want, which means, to find the right ways to move towardsyour dream. You will no longer be exchanged for minor, dubious little things, because of which the fulfillment of your desire sometimes seemed unreal. When you clearly see the goal, then you will move to it clearly and confidently.
Besides, the technique of visualization helps a person get rid of the state of mental discomfort, connected with the lack of something. Visualization of desires becomes a cure for certain types of mental disorders and insomnia. Just a few minutes before going to bed in order to present in vivid colors what you would most like, it's not difficult. AND gradually your desire will really come true, you can not doubt it.