How to make a wish card

A wish card (treasure map, dream map) is a very popular way of visualizing desires. One of the most important advantages of this method is its simplicity and accessibility. How to make a wish card, tells the Land of Soviets.
The easiest way to make a wish card is draw your dreams and desires on a large sheet of paper paints, pencils, markers, markers andetc. If you do not like drawing, you can use the technique of applique or combine application and drawing. The process of creating a wish card should be fun, so choose the technique that you like.
To start sketch a wish list. There should not be too many of them: it is better to highlight the most important, and when they come true, make a new wish card. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, if you "scatter" and want everything at once, it can happen that you will not achieve anything by squandering energy in vain.
Secondly, in psychology there is a so-called"Miller's purse" (magic number seven plus or minus two): American psychologist George Miller determined that in short-term memory, as a rule, can contain no more than 7 ± 2 elements. In the case of desires, we are, of course, not dealing with short-term memory, but all the same Do not make more than nine wishes. Do not be greedy.
Having decided with desires, start creating. In the center of the future wish card, paste your most successful photo, on which you smile. Then cut out the photos from the magazines andimages that personify your desires, and paste them around the photo. It is desirable to group desires on the themes: material desires, family, relationships, etc. If the desired picture was not found, draw or just write a wish.
Each picture should be signed: there is little desire to visualize, it is also necessary to formulate it correctly. Remember the phrase "Be afraid of your desires, they havethe tendency to come true "? Most likely, it was invented by those who did not know how to formulate desires correctly. What I formulated, I got it. All desires should be chosen and formulated independently, do not ask anyone to help you with a wish card.
Pictures should be positive, cheerful. No gloomy and gloomy pictures! Signatures must be formulated positively, you can not use the particle "not." It is advisable to specify specific dates, dates and amounts. As you wish, old pictures can be undone and replaced with new ones, and you can wait for the fulfillment of all desires and make a new map.
Some make desire cards on the computer in programs for creating collages or associative maps. This is their choice, but you still need to print this card, to make it more tangible, tangible.
Feng Shui wish card
Some when drawing a wish card follow the basic principles of the teachings of feng shui. If they believe in it and it really works - why not. We will tell, how to make a wish card for feng shui.
The sheet must be divided into nine equal parts (three by three), each of which corresponds to a certain direction and a certain sphere of life. In addition, you can colorize each sector in a favorable color for it. We list sectors from left to right and from top to bottom (from top left to bottom right):
southeast - wealth - violet;
south - glory - red;
south-west - love and marriage - pink;
east - family - green;
center - health - yellow;
west - children and creativity - white;
northeast - knowledge and wisdom - blue;
north - career - black;
north-west - travel, assistants, teachers - gray.
In each sector, you need to paste the corresponding pictures. It is better to start with the central sector (health), go to wealth and move clockwise. The main thing - when filling the card, feel positive and feel as if your wishes have already come true.
The card is best to hang in your bedroomthat it was the first thing you see after waking up, and the last thing you look at before going to bed. It is desirable that the map was hidden from prying eyes: if you are not alone, or if guests are going to come to you, hide the card in a secluded place. More often look at the map, presenting how your desires come true.
A treasure map is a powerful tool for visualizing your desires, but remember that a rolling stone gathers no moss. The card is the first step to fulfilling the desires, it will help to take the following steps, but remember that no one can go your way for you.