False ceiling in the bathroom

Planning a bathroom interior is not an easy task,because usually this room has a small area, and we have to "squeeze" a maximum of limited space. Thinking about finishing the bathroom, do not forget about the finish of the ceiling. One of the popular solutions - false ceiling in the bathroom.
There are different types of suspended ceilings. If you decide to mount a false ceiling in the bathroom, you need must take into account the peculiarities of this room, before you decide on a particular type of ceiling.
First, it should be remembered that bathroom - a room with high humidity, so the surface of the ceiling will becontact with water vapor and spray. This means that in the bathroom you need to choose a suspended ceiling from moisture-resistant materials, the usual drywall is not suitable here. If you have picked up a coating with poor moisture resistance, over time it can begin to separate or become "occupied" with mold.
Secondly, it must be taken into account that suspended ceiling "eats" part of the height of the room. If you have high ceilings, it's evenadvantage: a little lowering the ceiling, you will make the room more harmonious, the bathroom will not give the impression of a narrow "pencil case". But for a bathroom with a low ceiling, not every pendant design fits - unless, of course, you intend to turn it into a torture for claustrophobic.
Given the above requirements, most people choose a lath ceiling in the bathroom. Rack (frame) suspension systems, like thisit is clear from the title, consist of long narrow slats. Most rack structures are made of aluminum, which is not afraid of moisture. Also quite popular is the use of PVC siding in the rack structure.
The length, width and shape of the racks can be selected depending on the size of your bathroom. Plus such constructions also in that they slightly lower the level of the ceiling - only by 3 cm. Behind a reed ceiling it is easy to look after, it is enough to wipe it from time to time, most importantly - do not use abrasive cleaners.
Having decided to install a rack suspended ceiling in the bathroom, please note that Rack systems can be divided into two types: solid and perforated. Given the peculiarities of such a premise as a bathroom, it is worth giving preference to a perforated rack ceiling, then the bathroom will not be so stuffy and booming.
Another good option for a bathroom is tiled suspended ceilings. Such ceilings consist of modules that can be made of mineral fiber, gypsum board or metal.
Modules from gypsum board or mineral fiber can have a different degree of moisture resistance, so their choice should be taken very responsibly. The disadvantage of them is also a fairly narrow selection of shades.
Metal suspended ceilings are solid constructions, not afraid of leaks. However, such an overhead structure will lowerthe ceiling level in the bathroom is at least 10-12 cm, so this option is only suitable for rooms with high ceilings. In addition, suspended ceilings from metal quickly form condensation, so they need to be washed frequently.
A significant advantage of suspended ceilings is the ability to hide engineering communications in them (wiring, ventilation, etc.). The suspended ceiling helps to plan correctly the lighting in the bathroom: built-in ceiling lights allow you to evenly illuminate the bathroom, and the ability to hide the wires in the space between the present ceiling and the suspended structure will make your bathroom a much safer place.
The appearance of the suspended ceiling will depend onthe style in which the interior design of the bathroom is made. Manufacturers of suspended ceilings offer a wide choice of colors and textures, so what to choose will be what. The main thing - remember that when choosing a suspended ceiling in the bathroom, the main role is played by practicality (moisture resistance, ease of installation and maintenance), and then the aesthetics of the suspended structure.