Bathroom layout
Ideally, any repairs should begin with a layout: it is very important to clearly visualize the final result of the repair. The most common problems are usually caused by bathroom layout, because the size of the room in most cases leave much to be desired.

The layout of the bathroom depends on several important points. First, it is important to consider the location of pipessystems of water supply, sewerage and ventilation: "dance" will have from them. Secondly, you need to consider whether you have a shared bathroom or separate: much will depend on this. Well, the size of the bathroom, of course, will make a difference.

When planning a bathroom interior, remember that The most important criterion is not the beauty of the premises, but its safety: slipping or unsuccessfully turning ina small close bathroom, you can get a serious injury. Therefore, all furniture and plumbing must be arranged in such a way that the bathroom eventually turned out to be as safe as possible.

For example, so you can normally get out of the bathroom, next to it should be free space, roughly equal to its width. The towel rail must be locatedso that the towel could be reached by hand while standing in the tub. And the lockers and shelves hanging above the bathroom and the sink must be located at such a height that you can not accidentally hit them with your head.

The gap between the edge of the toilet seat and the wall or a nearby piece of furniture mustBy the way, in a combined toilet the toilet should be placed in the most secluded place (as far as possible): it is considered a bad tone if the toilet becomes the first thing that catches the eyes of a person entering the bathroom.

The washbasin is best placed at a distance of 20-25 cm from the toilet. If it is located near the side wall, the gap between the sink and the wall should be the same 20-25 cm. Ideally, there should be at least 75 cm of free space in front of the washbasin, so that your water procedures are comfortable.

Bathroom layout Bathroom layout

The layout of a small bathroom has its own peculiarities: there are several ways to "squeeze a maximum" out of a limited space. So, if you are not a fan of foam baths, bathroom can be safely replaced with a shower cubicle with sliding doors.

Also save space will help angular or suspended plumbing. There are even corner baths. Lying in them, though, will not work, but sitting - quite. Another interesting solution - a washbasin (table with drawers and built-in sink).

Bathroom decor also helps to expand the space, so do not forget about it when planning a bathroom interior: Vertical lines and light colors will help visually increase the space. Also visually increase the bathroom helps the internal false windows. Do not forget about the correct lighting: it is especially important for the bathroom, because it does not have windows.

If the size of the bathroom allows, you can zoning space, separating the functional area from the comfort zone. Comfort zone in this case is a bath, inwhich you can relax after a hard day's work. And the functional area is a shower (if there is a shower and a bath in the bathroom), a toilet, etc. The bathtub can be fenced off either with a sliding screen or with a stationary partition.

To plan the bathroom did not take much time and energy from you, you can use special programs for interior planning. In such programs, you can Specify the size and configuration of the room and choose furniture and accessories, and then print the result or save it as a 3D model.

By planning bathroom interior, special attention should be paid to functionality and safety. Beauty is, of course, good, but in this case it is not in the first place.

Bathroom layout
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