Interior of the villa

What should be a good interior villa? Moderately simple, functional enough and very cozy. You go to the country house to rest - which means thatThe dacha interior should not remind you of the hustle and bustle left in the city. Therefore, the style of the dacha interior should be as different from the style of the interior of your city apartment.
Most often, the interior of the dacha is decorated in country style - "rustic style". This dacha interior resembles the notorious "house in the village" and has a leisurely, measured way of life, helping us to isolate ourselves from the city's bustle and restore our strengths before plunging into the boiling life of the big city.
What features are typical for a country home in a country style? First of all, this is use only natural materials. If the floors are something of rough boards. Some leave them in their original form, but it's best to cover the floors with varnish to protect yourself from splinters. If the walls - then trimmed with wooden panels or lined with decorative stone. But natural materials are usually expensive, so you can do with artificial materials that maximally naturally imitate natural.
Usually the interior of the villa is light, pastel colors - peach, tea, amber, gently salad. And that the dacha interior did not turn out to be too boring, you can add bright spots - cushions, blankets and curtains with a picture. Curtains are better to sew from natural fabrics (linen, cotton). Most often in the country interior use curtains with a small pattern (peas, flowers, etc.).
The furniture has a very big influence on the interior of the villa. A common mistake is to turn a dacha into a warehouse of old furniture, which is no longer the place in a city apartment. This option, of course, helps to save money, but do you really feel comfortable resting in the dump? It is better to buy new furniture or at least to breathe a second life into the old, having repaired it and changing the upholstery or at least sewing covers on chairs, armchairs and sofas.
Interior of the villa will decorate Wicker furniture from vines or artificially aged wooden furniture. Best if the furniture is enoughsimple, even a little rough, but at the same convenient and cozy. Furniture is welcome, long out of fashion in urban apartments, but still relevant in country houses: large chests and chests for storing things, kitchen slides, etc. But from glass, plastic and lacquered furniture it is better to refuse - it is unlikely that it will fit into the interior of the country house.
Well, what kind of interior cottage without a fireplace? The fireplace carries not only a decorative, but also a functional load - If suddenly it becomes cold sharply, it will bethe only way to keep warm, unless you have a heating system in your dacha. The type of fireplace (wood, electric, gas) depends only on your desires and possibilities, the main thing is that it integrally fit into the dacha interior. Instead of a fireplace, you can install a Finnish oven.
And to make the interior of the dacha complete, give itwarmth, comfort and comfort will help various cute accessories - decorative dishes, small paintings or embroideries on the wall, vases with wild flowers, pillows, blankets, tablecloths, potted plants. But if you come to the country house only for the weekend, overload the dacha interior with decorative details is not worth it, otherwise instead of resting you are waiting for cleaning dust that accumulated on them over the past week.
The interior of the dacha should be arranged for rest. It is not necessary to strictly follow the canons of country style - the main thing is for you to be comfortable, comfortable and comfortable at your dacha. Only in this case you can have a good holiday and gain strength for a year ahead.