Country interior

Because of country music, the country style in the interior is associated primarily with American ranches. In fact, the interior in the country style goes far beyond the "cowboy" home. Country interior - this is any rustic interior: Russian hut, Ukrainian hut, Latin American hacienda, French village house. This feature is similar to the rustic interior style with ethnic.
Most often, the interior of the country can be seen incountry houses and cottages. But this does not mean absolutely that the country style in the interior is absolutely impossible to use in ordinary standard apartments. Especially since make out the entire apartment in the country style is not necessarily - You can decorate in the rustic style of one of the rooms or even part of the room.
Another important advantage of a rustic interior is that it does not require significant expenses, in contrast to, for example, the Victorian designpremises. The interior of the country is an ideal option for handymasters who can and want to make individual elements of the interior with their own hands. Curtains can be sewn independently from an inexpensive fabric in a flower, a tablecloth on a table - to crochet. Covers for furniture, pillowcases for pillows, patchwork covers and even paintings can be made in the "patchwork" technique. Such things will ideally fit into the interior of the country, make it really individual and do not require significant money costs - well, how much can unnecessary scraps cost?
So, what is he - country interior? What you need to know to create a reference interior in the country style?
- Materials. Naturalness, and only naturalness! This is how your motto should be when selecting materials for decorating your housing in a rustic style. For the decoration of walls suitable simple wallpaper, decorative plaster, brick or even masonry, decorative wood panels and cornices. For the floor, wood, tiles and stones are most often used, and mats and carpets are used as floor coverings. Modern materials, for example, plastic, should be avoided, and glass used extremely moderately.
- Textures and patterns. Country style in the interior does not accept complexinvoices. If the fabric is something simple and natural, if the wallpaper is the most usual paper or vinyl for painting, reminiscent of textiles. Depending on the chosen design direction, you can use bamboo wallpaper. Simplicity concerns and patterns - preferably a small discreet flower or a large cage.
- Colors. The interior of the country is not strictly tied toa certain color scheme, but certain rules for the selection of colors still exist. Colors should not be bright, loud and provocative. It is better to choose one color scale, pastel and discreet, and withstand the interior in it, "diluting" and refreshing it with bright spots. The most common colors of country interior are beige, brown, blue, blue, green white (not snow-white, but dairy or ivory). Although, of course, other options are possible.
- Furniture and accessories. Preferably the wicker furniture and furnituremade of natural wood. She may even be deliberately rude. It's great if you have the opportunity to use the real village "grandma's" furniture - massive chests, benches, wicker baskets, hanging open cabinets, "slides." Looks great in the interior of the country fireplace, stove or at least their imitation. As accessories you can use pots and vases with fresh flowers, bouquets of dried flowers. And in the kitchen - a variety of cute jars of spices, bunches of dried vegetables, etc.

The only difficulty you can face when designing a country house is the need to disguise household appliances, which absolutely does not fit in a typical rustic interior. But you can also cope with this by showing imagination.
The interior of the country is cozy and warm, a real find for those who live by the principle "My home is my castle".