Interior design of the living room

According to its purpose living room - this is a room for guests. In the classical sense, the living room does not provide for permanent beds, but in modern conditions, for lack of sufficient space The living rooms often combine the functions of "ceremonial" rooms and rest rooms for family members. In any case, the living room is the "face" of every house, and therefore interior design of the living room should be an expression of the individuality of the owners of the house, their tastes and preferences.
Interior design of the living room should take into account a certain psychological mood, different from the rest of the rooms in the apartment or house. It is most convenient to divide the living room into several functional areas, for example, such as an active recreation area, a zone for a quiet pastime, if necessary, a sleeping area.
Help in dividing the living room into zones such techniques as painting the walls in different colors or gluing them with different wallpaper, the use of different floor coverings for each of the zones, installation of "borders" with the help of furniture, installationthe podium. Not the last violin "plays" in the party of dividing the living room into zones and ceiling - with the help of curly suspended ceilings, you can visually divide the room into the desired areas.

The interior design of the living room is created by playing with colors and textures, interesting decorative details and accents, a kind of lighting. If possible, for each functional area in the living room, set its own adjustable lighting. The choice of furniture for the living room should be given special attention.
In the interior design of the living rooms almost always the central place is occupied by a sofa. This convenient multifunctional objectIt is indispensable when guests come to the house, often serves as a place for sleep. Choosing a sofa is best, based on practical considerations, because, being insanely beautiful in appearance, it can be completely uncomfortable, too hard or soft. On the other hand, now the sofas are presented simply in a huge assortment and find among them a beautiful and comfortable - quite realistic.
Interior design of the living room is often simply unthinkable without a "wall" - furniture kit, including immediatelyseveral items: a cupboard, a cupboard, bedside tables, etc. To install such "walls" along the walls of the room is now an outdated solution, so modern interior design of the living room either refuses such a decision, or a non-standard layout is chosen for the "wall".
The interior design of the living room is increasingly being built on the principle of "islets of communication", when pieces of furniture seem to be carelessare made up in small cozy groups. For example, by installing a small sofa and a couple of chairs, and also adding them to a beautiful coffee table, you can create a "coffee zone" in the living room.
The design style in the interior of the living room can be any - there is no universal style, suitable absolutelyall rooms. But when choosing a style of design, it's better not to chase fashion or see beautiful pictures in glossy magazines: repair in the living room is not the most pleasant process, and fatigue from excessively bright or "flashy" design can come very quickly.
It often happens that the interior design of the living room as a whole suits the owners of the house, but tired them of their monotony. In this case, do not rush to overhaul - you can try to refresh the interior with your own hands.
Decoration of furniture in the technique of decoupage,the production of decorative objects, the installation of a mirror, or the creation of a decorative panel, paintings - these are just a small part of the available methods of renewing the living room interior with their own hands. You can also sew decorative pillow cases for cushions, original curtains or curtains, paintmanually the usual glass or ceramic vases, put in the living room a few decorative houseplants. Any personal "interference" in the interior design of the living room gives it an even more individuality, uniqueness.
Interior design of the living room can be very, very diverse, for its creation in our time a huge amount of money is available. It is worth to listen to yourself and then the sensations will prompt what interior of the living room will bring joy for many years!