Kitchen with living room: is it worth combining?Probably everyone wants to live in a largeA spacious apartment, or even better - in your own house. But more often it is necessary to be content with that is, and to go on various tricks to increase a living space, for example, combine the kitchen with the living room.

In the West, it is customary to combine the kitchen with the dining room -where they cooked food, they ate there (although for many Western housewives the option "where they heated up, they ate") will be more precise. But in most of our apartments there is usually no dining room, the standard option for a two-piece apartment is a bedroom and a living room (if there are no children in the house). Therefore, most often there is such a variant of redevelopment as kitchen with living room.

In old houses, it is difficult to combine two rooms: in such buildings, interior walls are often bearing, and no one will allow them to break. But in new buildings kitchen with living room - a common thing. What are the pros and cons of this redevelopment?

Kitchen with living room: cons

Let's start, perhaps, with negative aspectsunifying the living room and kitchen to finish on a positive note. The main problem that arises when you combine different rooms according to the functional is the smell. No matter how well the kitchen is equipped with a good hood and ventilation system, completely get rid of the smell of food will not work. Well, if it's the smell of freshly brewed coffee. And if your kitchen-living room smells of overcooked oil?

The second problem is cleaning. The living room is usually cleaned less often than the kitchen: brush off the dust, vacuum the carpet - that's all the cleaning. The kitchen is much more exploited, and it is much more often and thoroughly to clean out there. If you combine the kitchen with the living room, then there is a high probability that you will very often clean up the resultant rather large room. Are you ready for this?

The third disadvantage of this redevelopment iscomplexity with the design. Kitchen and living room - very different in functionality rooms. In the kitchen you need to "cram" all the necessary household appliances, dishes, etc., and the floor is best covered with tiles - it is easier to wash. And in the living room, you most likely want to put upholstered furniture, cover the floor with a carpet - in general, make it as comfortable as possible. How to bring the design to a common denominator?

Kitchen with living room: pluses

Undoubtedly, such a redevelopment of the premises has its pluses, and there are as many as minuses. At first, The combination of rooms will help you increase the room (at least visually). In the conditions of a small apartment, this possibility is a definite plus. And if you still want the kitchen and living room to remain different rooms, but there simply was not a wall between them - there are many ways to divide the received premises into zones.

Secondly, The combination of living room and kitchen makes it more convenient for guests. Usually the hostess has to throw herself all eveningfrom room to room, from the laid table to the stove and back. By combining the living room and kitchen, the hostess will feel more comfortable: even if she needs to check the roast in the oven or bring a dessert, she will not have to leave the guests, because everything can be done "without departing from the ticket office."

Thirdly, You can spend more time with family members. Before, you prepared food or washed dishes and wereare practically cut off from the household. If the kitchen is integrated with the living room, you will be able to communicate with your husband without stopping at home. But even if you are alone in the kitchen, when homework at work, studying, it will be difficult to get bored, because a small kitchen TV will now replace a TV with a huge screen hanging on the wall in the living room.

So combine or not?

Of course, the final decision to take everythingequal to you. Some kitchen, combined with the living room, will seem very comfortable, someone prefers to demarcate space to protect the room intended for rest, from kitchen sounds and smells. However, modern design solutions allow you to combine living room with kitchen in many different ways, and in the end you will get beautiful and functional room.

Kitchen with living room: is it worth combining?
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