How to paint the pipes in the house?
Painting of water pipes and heating pipescauses certain difficulties. First, these pipes paint inconvenient, and secondly, if they are hot (hot water or heating), then you need to observe some conditions when painting such pipes. Therefore, we offer you some tips for painting the pipes in the house.
Before starting the coloring of water pipesit is best to cut off the water, and radiator pipes should not be painted in the heating season. The surface of the pipes must be cleaned of dirt and degreased. The old paint must be removed before painting.
To avoid contamination of surfaces close to the pipe, it is recommended to cover them, for example, with a polyethylene film.
For coloring it is convenient to use a mitten. Put the gauntlet on your hand over the usual rubber glove. Dip a hand in the mitten in the paint and, wrapping the tube, draw a hand along the pipe several times to paint the paint evenly. Difficult places in the bends of pipes can be painted with a toothbrush.
It is recommended to paint the pipes in two layers. Apply the first coat of paint, wait for it to dry and lightly sand it with sandpaper. After this, apply a second coat of paint.
Paint for painting pipes with hot water (water and heating) should be chosen special, designed for high temperatures. On such paint there is always a corresponding marking.