Installation of heating pipes

Installation of heating pipes - one of the components of the capital repair of an apartment or a private house. Usually such an installation is quite expensive, so it is much more profitable to perform pipe installation yourself.
The simplest option is installation of polypropylene pipes. The first thing that should be noted in such pipes -it's lightness and flexibility. These moments and facilitate the convenience of replacing old pipes with new ones. All that is needed for installation is patience and a special iron for soldering.
Installation of heating pipes, as a rule, begins with cutting and heating the edges of products. Usually for this purpose a cutter and a manualwelding machine for polypropylene pipes with a nozzle, on which pipes and tees are put on from different sides (other connecting elements can be used). And the installation process ends fixing all necessary connections, as well as natural cooling of the joints. It should be noted that this work is quite simple, but it requires utmost accuracy and accuracy.
It is only necessary to note that for cutting such pipes you can use an ordinary hacksaw for metal or special scissors, which are sold in any store of building materials and tools. The depth of the soldering, the time of heating and cooling depends only on the diameter of the pipe itself. For example, with a diameter of 16 millimeters, the depthWelding should be 13 millimeters, heating time 5 seconds, and cooling time 2 minutes. If the pipe diameter is 110 millimeters, the depth of welding should be 32 millimeters, the heating time should be 50 seconds, and the cooling time should be 8 minutes.
In addition, not only polypropylene pipes can be used. Also very popular metal-plastic, steel and copper products. All of them are united by one important property - thermal conductivity. However, pipes made of these materials are much more difficult to install, since they have quite a lot of weight and require soldering.
Nevertheless, the use of such products will create a full-fledged heating system that guaranteed to last several decades.
As already mentioned, the installation of heating pipes requires soldering. It should be noted that there are two types of this procedure: capillary and low-temperature. The first method consists in heating andconnecting the pipes with each other, but not at the joint, but with the help of grooves. This is done in order to significantly increase the strength of the pipe at the junction. Pipes are simply pressed tightly, and the joint is heated. After the necessary temperature is reached, the metal melts, which causes the two pipes to be joined together.
As for the low-temperature soldering, then it does not require strong heating. First, the ends of the pipes are ground, and then the outer and inner surfaces of the tubes are flared with sandpaper so that one enters the other. Further on their surface they apply special soft mixture based on copper. Pipes join and heat the place a littlethe resulting mixture becomes liquid and reliably binds the products after hardening. The main thing is to carefully clean their surface from unevenness and unwanted dirt.
Finally it is worth noting that if you are not sure that you can properly and accurately perform the installation of heating pipes, we recommend that you seek help from specialists. Especially it concerns the installation of pipes made of copper or steel.