Warm floor with own hands
The warm floor is a rather popular addition to the heating system. If earlier warm floors were a luxury, now they have become more affordable. Is quite real mount the heated floor with your own hands, if you know the installation technology and comply with it.
The country of the Soviets already wrote about autonomous systemsheating, more details on single-circuit and double-circuit boilers. This time we will focus on another version of the heating system and consider the construction of a warm floor, types of a warm floor and installation of a warm floor by one's own hands (both water and electric).
There are electric underfloor heating and a water-heated floor. Principle of the device both types of warm floor the same: the warm floor is mounted on a special material that insulates heat, poured with cement-sand mortar, making a screed, and on top of it lay any floor covering.
The source of heat can be pipes with warm water and an electric cable. Water heated floor it is quite economical: The heating of the room is due to the hot water circulating in the metal-plastic pipes. Water is fed into the pipes using a special pump from the collector. Metal-plastic pipes are reliable and durable. The water-heated floor allows you to save about 60% energy (compared to electric) and gives you the option to choose any floor covering. However, it requires the installation of a special circulation pump. When installing a warm water floor in an apartment building, the circulation in the heating system may be disturbed, this is fraught with a decrease in the pressure of water in the water supply system and the shutdown of heating.
Electric heated floor can be mounted in any room,You will not need additional equipment. Built-in temperature control allows you to change the temperature of the floor depending on the temperature in the room, it helps to save electricity and protect yourself from short-circuits in the event of a power outage. But electric floor heating is not as economical as water heating, due to the high cost of electricity. When exposed to high temperatures, some floor coverings may become deformed. If the installation of the warm floor was made with an error, you will have to redo the entire work.
If you decide independently make the installation of a warm floor, first of all it is necessary to dismantleold floor and remove construction debris (you do not know what things can sometimes be left by builders under the boards). Align the floor with a thin concrete screed. Then, a heat insulator, for example, penofol, consisting of foil and self-adhesive polyethylene, is laid flat on the screed. It is laid with foil up, and joints between pieces are glued with building tape. The floor should be perfectly flat.
On top of the heat-insulating material lay reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 1.5 cm, and it is laid on itmetal-plastic pipes, fixing to the floor with clamps and dowels. The water-heated floor is not afraid of overheating, but it is best to lay them at a distance of 30-40 cm, then the floor will be evenly warmed up.
Pipes can be laid with a spiral, a spiral with a displaced center, a snake (in parallel) and a double snake (meander). Way of laying depends on many factors. The length of one pipe loop should not exceed 100 m (count from the entrance to the exit). On an average of 1 sq.m. The premises require 6-7 running meters of metal-plastic pipes.
Both ends of the pipe are collector cabinet. You can simply hang it on the wall, or you canplace in a specially cut niche. In the collector cabinet, in addition to the pipes that connect the warm floor to the heating system, there are valves. They serve to adjust the temperature and completely shut off the water. Sometimes a water-heated floor is equipped with a special temperature sensor.
After installing the pipes, the system is pressurized, then the pipes are poured with a cement screed (concrete installation system), and the top is laid on the floor covering. If you decide to mount a warm floor with your own hands, it is worthwhile to know that there are also plumbing installation system - instead of a concrete screed, the pipes are coveredwooden boards or expanded polystyrene. Such a system is more expensive, but such a floor is easier, it is put into operation more quickly, and it is cheaper to repair it.
Preparatory work when installing an electric floor heatinghands are the same as when installing a water-heated floor, only the reinforcing mesh is put thinner. The cable is mounted with a special mounting tape fixed to the floor. Step of laying the electrical cable is 20-25 cm. Take care not to bend, stretch and damage the cable. The amount of cable is determined based on its power. On 1 sq.m. rooms with good thermal insulation requires a power of 100-120 kW.
In a special tube mount thermal sensor. He pours cement along with the whole floor, butin case of breakage, it can be replaced without destroying the entire screed. Before you fill the electric floor with a screed, you should carefully check the correctness and reliability of installation, as well as the serviceability of the cable. The thickness of the screed is 3-4 cm. Fill the floor evenly, because the voids in the screed lead to overheating of the cable.
Before installing the heated floor with your own hands, yet consult with a specialist. He will help you choose materials and design the future warm floor.
Warm floor should not go out of the room. If you make a warm floor in severalrooms, in each room it is mounted separately. A warm floor is installed only in those parts of the room where furniture will not stand. This is done for the sake of economy.
Lay flooring can be 4-5 days after pouring the solution. Different floor coverings withstand different temperatures, consider this. Parquet is practically not compatible with a warm floor, the varnished floor can be heated to a temperature of no higher than 21 ° C. Most coatings can withstand a maximum temperature of 27 ° C.
It is only necessary to put the heated floor into operation after complete drying of the screed, which lasts 3-4 weeks. A wet screed can cause a short circuit (if you have an electric warm floor). In addition, premature inclusion of a warm floor can lead to the drying of concrete, the formation of voids and cracks. Increase the temperature of the warm floor gradually, on average, 5 ° C per day.
It is quite possible to mount a warm floor with your own hands. If you succeed, then you and your household will be warm and cozy even in the most severe winter frosts.
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Device and types of underfloor heating
There are electric underfloor heating and a water-heated floor. Principle of the device both types of warm floor the same: the warm floor is mounted on a special material that insulates heat, poured with cement-sand mortar, making a screed, and on top of it lay any floor covering.
The source of heat can be pipes with warm water and an electric cable. Water heated floor it is quite economical: The heating of the room is due to the hot water circulating in the metal-plastic pipes. Water is fed into the pipes using a special pump from the collector. Metal-plastic pipes are reliable and durable. The water-heated floor allows you to save about 60% energy (compared to electric) and gives you the option to choose any floor covering. However, it requires the installation of a special circulation pump. When installing a warm water floor in an apartment building, the circulation in the heating system may be disturbed, this is fraught with a decrease in the pressure of water in the water supply system and the shutdown of heating.
Electric heated floor can be mounted in any room,You will not need additional equipment. Built-in temperature control allows you to change the temperature of the floor depending on the temperature in the room, it helps to save electricity and protect yourself from short-circuits in the event of a power outage. But electric floor heating is not as economical as water heating, due to the high cost of electricity. When exposed to high temperatures, some floor coverings may become deformed. If the installation of the warm floor was made with an error, you will have to redo the entire work.
Water heated floor by own hands
If you decide independently make the installation of a warm floor, first of all it is necessary to dismantleold floor and remove construction debris (you do not know what things can sometimes be left by builders under the boards). Align the floor with a thin concrete screed. Then, a heat insulator, for example, penofol, consisting of foil and self-adhesive polyethylene, is laid flat on the screed. It is laid with foil up, and joints between pieces are glued with building tape. The floor should be perfectly flat.
On top of the heat-insulating material lay reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 1.5 cm, and it is laid on itmetal-plastic pipes, fixing to the floor with clamps and dowels. The water-heated floor is not afraid of overheating, but it is best to lay them at a distance of 30-40 cm, then the floor will be evenly warmed up.
Pipes can be laid with a spiral, a spiral with a displaced center, a snake (in parallel) and a double snake (meander). Way of laying depends on many factors. The length of one pipe loop should not exceed 100 m (count from the entrance to the exit). On an average of 1 sq.m. The premises require 6-7 running meters of metal-plastic pipes.
Both ends of the pipe are collector cabinet. You can simply hang it on the wall, or you canplace in a specially cut niche. In the collector cabinet, in addition to the pipes that connect the warm floor to the heating system, there are valves. They serve to adjust the temperature and completely shut off the water. Sometimes a water-heated floor is equipped with a special temperature sensor.
After installing the pipes, the system is pressurized, then the pipes are poured with a cement screed (concrete installation system), and the top is laid on the floor covering. If you decide to mount a warm floor with your own hands, it is worthwhile to know that there are also plumbing installation system - instead of a concrete screed, the pipes are coveredwooden boards or expanded polystyrene. Such a system is more expensive, but such a floor is easier, it is put into operation more quickly, and it is cheaper to repair it.
Electric heated floor with own hands
Preparatory work when installing an electric floor heatinghands are the same as when installing a water-heated floor, only the reinforcing mesh is put thinner. The cable is mounted with a special mounting tape fixed to the floor. Step of laying the electrical cable is 20-25 cm. Take care not to bend, stretch and damage the cable. The amount of cable is determined based on its power. On 1 sq.m. rooms with good thermal insulation requires a power of 100-120 kW.
In a special tube mount thermal sensor. He pours cement along with the whole floor, butin case of breakage, it can be replaced without destroying the entire screed. Before you fill the electric floor with a screed, you should carefully check the correctness and reliability of installation, as well as the serviceability of the cable. The thickness of the screed is 3-4 cm. Fill the floor evenly, because the voids in the screed lead to overheating of the cable.
Warm floor with your own hands: installation and operation. General Tips
Before installing the heated floor with your own hands, yet consult with a specialist. He will help you choose materials and design the future warm floor.
Warm floor should not go out of the room. If you make a warm floor in severalrooms, in each room it is mounted separately. A warm floor is installed only in those parts of the room where furniture will not stand. This is done for the sake of economy.
Lay flooring can be 4-5 days after pouring the solution. Different floor coverings withstand different temperatures, consider this. Parquet is practically not compatible with a warm floor, the varnished floor can be heated to a temperature of no higher than 21 ° C. Most coatings can withstand a maximum temperature of 27 ° C.
It is only necessary to put the heated floor into operation after complete drying of the screed, which lasts 3-4 weeks. A wet screed can cause a short circuit (if you have an electric warm floor). In addition, premature inclusion of a warm floor can lead to the drying of concrete, the formation of voids and cracks. Increase the temperature of the warm floor gradually, on average, 5 ° C per day.
It is quite possible to mount a warm floor with your own hands. If you succeed, then you and your household will be warm and cozy even in the most severe winter frosts.
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