The habit of gnawing nails

The habit of gnawing nails It's not the best that can affordintelligent person. Men are less inclined to gnaw their nails than women, while the habit of gnawing nails is more common in children. Psychologists believe that people who gnaw their nails are more aggressive and morally unstable to complex situations. In any case, the problem must be eradicated.
The habit of gnawing nails is manifested mainly in childhood. It is better to deal with this problem in childhood, because as an adult man already draws littleattention to the addiction of habit, and time is often not enough for such trifles. It is believed that people who bite their nails are very weak, passive and unreliable individuals. At the same time, one of the reasons for this habit is that it is too emotional and restless.
The habit of gnawing nails can be manifested for reasons that are not relatedonly with a psychological state. For some people, this habit is a physical pleasure. Anyway, there are a lot of interesting versions, why a person starts gnawing his nails. If you go into psychology, you can make a spiritual portrait of a person on the basis of this his addiction.
Nails for a person are the same as claws for an animal. The civilization function of human nails mademuch simpler and more primitive. A woman grows long nails solely for beauty, not for protection. But psychology argues that potentially long nails for a woman are just a means of moral and physical protection. Women with short nails lack bitchiness and desire to conquer. In addition, it is believed that women who can not wear long fingernails for a long time are soft, but not influenced. Long nails - this is the card of powerful self-interested women who will fight for their own until the last. It is believed that the habit of gnawing nails deprives a person of protection.
From the point of view of hygiene, the habit of gnawing nails is very dangeroushabit, because the hands - the most important carrier of microbes and bacteria. A person who gnaws nails does not even suspect how many harmful germs get into his body. There are people who gnaw on not only the nails, but also the cuticle. Some do not even spit it out, because it gives them the physical pleasure to crush it with their teeth. From the point of view of psychology - this is the first sign of neurasthenia and nervous exhaustion. But from a medical point of view, this is the first bell of the fact that worms may soon appear.
If you nail your nails - teeth also suffer. First, they lose color, and secondly - the enamel is crumbled. The tooth may become deformed if you are constantly doing a load on it by nibbling at the nails. Nails also deform. It happens that the nail after a while begins to grow crooked, to separate and crumble. A woman can not walk with such nails. In addition, if you bite the cuticle, it looks disgusting. It's unpleasant even with such nails to take the handrails in public transport, because at once you can catch on yourself a valuing look that, alas, is not capable of appreciating your hands.
remember, that Your hands should always be beautiful and well-groomed. An adult is much easier to controlyourself. It would be strange if at an impressive age you smeared your fingers with mustard to get rid of this addiction. Just try to convince yourself that you must take care of yourself to always be on top.
Begin to get rid of this pernicious habit from the most important - with the treatment of the soul. Harmony and rest - that's what is needed first of all. The habit of gnawing nails will go to the background if you come up with some sort of stimulus or benchmark for comparison.