Sunburn: instructions for use

How to get a beautiful smooth tan? Do I need to apply special products for sunburn? How to keep a tan for a long time? With the onset of a hot summer, these questions become more than relevant.
Sunburn is a darkening of the skin under the influence ofultraviolet radiation (natural or artificial). Ultraviolet rays contribute to the production of brown pigment - melanin - in the lower layers of the epidermis. The "saturation" of the tan depends on the amount of melanin.
Sunburn is the natural protective function of human skin, because without it, the skin would have burned underaction of sunlight. If some of the tanning rules are not respected, this is exactly what happens: instead of a beautiful chocolate shade, we get the color of a ripe tomato and the characteristic pain sensations - sunburn.
To tan properly, you need to correctly determine your skin type. Different types of skin react differently to solar radiation, and therefore the approach to sunburn should be different for each type.
The population of the European part of our continent is characterized by four types of skin:
- "Celtic"
- light-skinned European
- black European
- Mediterranean
In people with the "Celtic" type, the skin is very light,almost "transparent", it has freckles. Their hair has light red hues, eyes - blue or light gray. Sunburn on the skin of the "Celtic" type falls very badly - the skin very quickly "burns out." For this type of skin, you need to use special means for sunburn - creams, gels and sprays - which protect it from burns.
In people with a second type of skin - light-skinnedEuropean - hair, usually light, from a blond to a light brown, eyes - blue, gray, green. Skin is prone to sunburn, however less than in people with the first type.
Black European type has a small propensity for sunburn, the skin has a dark complexion, the eyes are light brown, the shade of hair is from a dark blond to a shatene.
In representatives of the Mediterranean type of skinitself dark enough, the hair and eyes are also dark. Skin of this type almost never "burns out", the tanning occurs quickly and longly keeps on a skin.
Determined with the type of skin, you can to choose the right sunscreen. Such tools contain special filters -organic and inorganic substances that prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the layers of the skin. The effectiveness of sunscreen products is estimated by the number SPF (Sun Protect Factor). The higher the number of SPFs, the higher the degree of protection of the facility.
Sunscreens with a high SPF number are recommended for the skin of the first two types. The least protection is provided to funds intended for skin of the fourth type.
Apply sunscreen before exposure to the sun, after bathing or after a certain period, some funds should be applied repeatedly.
The time of sunbathing also affects sunburn. The most dangerous is the interval from 11 to 15 hours, since it is during this period that solar radiation is most active and the probability of obtaining a sunburn is very high.
The length of time in the sun should be increased gradually, in general, to be in the open sun without protection for longer than 20-30 minutes - is harmful.
To get a beautiful uniform tan, do not have to spend hours under the sun. On the contrary, it is better to try to walk more, run, swim, actively move. It is important not to forget after bathing with a towel, because the drops of water on the skin are mini-lenses that concentrate the sun's rays.
After sunbathing skin needs good moisturizing, so the use of moisturizing creams - more than rational. In addition, moderately moistened skin is less shelled, which means that the tan will last longer.
For to preserve sunburn, do not be afraid to take a bath, but fromVisits to the sauna and sauna should be avoided. Also tanning is "afraid" of whitening procedures and funds. Therefore, cosmetics, containing components, such as cucumber, lemon or milk, it is better not to use.