Gregory David Roberts - Shantaram
Shantaram - a sensation, a unique bestseller, an autobiographical novel Gregory David Roberts. Shantaram is the name that was once given to the author by the inhabitants of an Indian village near Mumbai.

Later he explains: "In their opinion, I was not worthy of a name, but they thought that one day I would change and gain inner peace."

This very capacious quote contains the wholeplot of the novel, gives him an accurate description. For the author of the book and the main character, the long journey of wandering, searching for his name, his inner core continued incredibly hard and long. So long that I, as a reader, sometimes embraced despair and a feeling of deep empathy. Perhaps this is the power of the novel, its convincing realism, because everything that happens to the hero - balances on the brink of the impossible.

From a decent citizen to a prisonerwith an experience, a drug addict, a drunkard, and then back? Native and close to the heart of Australia, warm, spiritual and affectionate, like a mother, India, a distant, but fateful Germany. It is these countries that remain in the heart of David Roberts and the pages of his novel.

The confession book contains a deepphilosophy, teaches to be grateful to fate, the ability to appreciate the love and support of close people, the formation of their inner essence. The book causes a sea of ​​feelings and emotions, and sometimes just shocking and killing on the spot.

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