Corporate style ...To corporate New Year was not boringtemplate "obligation", you need to show imagination when drawing up a festive program. The standard party in the office or restaurant is no surprise. In recent years, thematic corporate parties are gaining popularity. Why do not you organize corporate style an Oscar or a beach party?

Holding a thematic corporate canto entrust to a special agency specializing in the organization of such events, but to save money and rally the team it is useful to start planning the corporate on its own. To begin with, you need to choose a corporate theme that most employees will support (it is unlikely to be able to come up with a theme that will satisfy absolutely everyone).

After that, you need to make a list of what you need to hold a thematic corporate, and allocate responsibilities: someone will be responsible for writing the script,someone - for the decoration of the room, someone - for the festive table. Naturally, you need not forget to choose a presenter. And according to the corporate New Year's theme, let everyone make a suit for themselves.

Thematic corporate parties can be divided into several large groups:

  • corporate in the style of a film or book ("Pirates of the Caribbean", "Alice in Wonderland", "Wizards");

  • corporate in the style of a certain country and / or era ("Dandies", "Chicago 30's", "Pioneers");

  • corporate in the style of an event ("Oscar Ceremony");

  • gaming corporatives (quests, detectives).

Of course, no one requires you to accurately match the era, country or artwork: the main thing is to create an atmosphere, you are not engaged in historical reconstruction.

We already offered ideas for New Year's corporate parties and theme parties, let's add a few more ideas to the collection of ideas. If you want chic and shine, but the idea with the casino seems bored, can the casino be replaced by a cabaret. Revise for inspiration "Moulin Rouge" (sad end, so be it, you can squander it) and start planning.

Corporate party in the style of "Moulin Rouge" - a dress of shiny fabric, stylishtuxedos and bow ties, glittering ornaments and long gloves, elegant mouthpieces and cigars, stockings and garters, fans and feather boas, French chansons and frivolous cancan. Invite colleagues to demonstrate their talents in the best cabaret traditions at the New Year's corporation; cankan dance is not necessary - juggling mandarins also come down.

If for the cabaret your staff is too conservative, arrange pioneer party. The costume is very simple - white top, dark bottom,red tie and cap. The office is decorated with Soviet posters with slogans and Soviet New Year's cards, on the table - a variety of dishes from potatoes ("Ah, potatoes, delicacy, pioneers ideal"), herring under a fur coat and salad olivier.

Instead of toasts, you can simply say "Be ready!", So that the colleagues would say "Always ready!" Contests also from the pioneer repertoire: potato cleaning for speed, tug of war, folding of caps from the newspaper of race.

If you and your colleagues like adventures and adventures, but you do not like "pirate" or "gangster" corporate, you can arrange corporate style in the Wild West style. The room is decorated in the style of a cowboy saloon or an Indian wigwam (and you can divide it into two halves, one of which will be a saloon, and the second - a wigwam so that no one is offended).

Divide into two teams - cowboys and Indians. Each participant will have to come up withonly a suit, but also a cowboy or Indian nickname, suitable for him in nature. Let each team choose its captain - sheriff and leader, respectively. After this, hold competitions for accuracy, strength, dexterity. Of course, there will be winners and losers in the competitions, but it's better to finish the evening with a truce between Indians and cowboys.

In general, it does not matter which theme of the New Year's corporate you choose, the main thing is to have a good time and have fun with the soul!

Corporate style ...
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