Teambuilding: methods of team buildingIn order to organize a successful workerprocess, it is not enough just to hire employees, each of whom will be responsible for a certain area of ​​work. Workers must be a single team. For successful rallying of employees apply team building - a set of activities aimed at creating and uniting the team. It includes various methods and techniques of team building.

The term "team building" comes from English wordsteam - team and building - building. Unfortunately, many managers imply corporate teasing under teambuilding, thinking that alcohol will rally their employees. In fact, corporate parties can be part of the team building process, but apart from them there are more effective methods of team building, which you need to apply in a complex.

Before proceeding directly to teambuilding, the boss should take a closer look at the workforce. The outside observer is usually perfectly visible,who among the employees communicates with each other, and who prefers to avoid each other. In every team there are people who are drawn to, are seeking support and help. Such people should be involved in team building, starting to rally the team around them.

Most often, teambuilding is an outdoor event in nature or in a specially rented room for this. Communication outside the office will remove the shacklesformalities and will help employees open up on the new side. The duration of teambuilding is from several hours to several days, depending on the capabilities of the company and the tasks assigned.

Among the most common forms of team building we can distinguish:

  • team sport games and activities (paintball, hiking and cycling, rafting on the river, etc.)

  • activities of a creative nature (team competitions, intellectual competitions, role-playing games)

  • active training, focused on interaction in the team (the so-called "rope course" is most known)

The choice of the form of team building depends on its goals, as well as on the characteristics of the team. Sporting activities are good if the workerThe collective consists of young people, but if its composition is of different ages, it is better to choose a more peaceful way of rallying. To form a team spirit, team competitions are suitable, but if the task is, for example, to teach employees to efficiently distribute responsibilities, a role-playing game with an emphasis on group interaction will be more appropriate.

Team building scenario should be thought in advance. This can be assigned to staff responsible for personnel, or to contact professionals (there are organizations that provide teambuilding services for companies). More often, several experts work at the development of the teambuilding scenario, because it is necessary to come up with a bright and memorable plot of the event, take into account a lot of psychological aspects (after all, the original goal of team building is not just to have fun, but to rally the team) and to make the invented scenario possible in practice .

Team building scenarios can be very different. Quite in demand scenarios of role-playing games, based on the stories of famous films or books. Teambuilding conducted according to this scenario will be atmospheric, memorable, and the necessity of performing this or that role will show the character traits of employees, which they may have not previously shown.

Another popular teambuilding format is quest (adventure). This competition implies achievementa specific goal by performing a sequence of tasks. Performing one task gives you the opportunity to proceed to the next one. This kind of team building allows us to rally the team and establish interaction between employees.

Creative Activities can be very diverse. Most often they mean team work on a certain project: a newspaper, a film, a photo exhibition. Participants can even offer to open their own restaurant, providing all teams with the same set of products. All this helps not only to show creativity, but also to teach employees to distribute responsibilities when working in a team.

Indirectly to teambuilding can include a celebrationbirthdays of employees and the New Year, corporate parties on other occasions. Particularly popular these days are themed costume parties.

Teambuilding prevents conflicts in the team and helps to create a cohesive and effective team of employees who are willing to work hard not only for personal gain, but also for the common good.

Teambuilding: methods of team building

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