New Year's corporate events 2012In some firms, the bosses hire special people to organize and hold corporate parties, but in some places they prefer to manage by the employees. What to do if you were instructed to organize New Year's Eve 2012?

It would seem that it may be easier to conductNew Year's party in the office? I bought food and drinks, picked up music, found a couple of competitions on the Internet - that's all. But small miscalculations in the organization, which seemed insignificant, can negate all your efforts and spoil the holiday. What you need to remember when planning a New Year corporate 2012? James Adams, one of the authors of the online magazine Detector Pro, shared some useful tips, some of which we will share.

At first, do nothing alone. It is very difficult to organize everything on your own,if only you do not know how to be in twenty places at the same time. Make a list of what needs to be done, and ask your colleagues to help you. Let everyone be responsible for their work site, your task as an organizer is to monitor to be done on time, and coordinate actions.

Secondly, listen to the opinions of others. The best ideas usually come in the processdiscussion. Do not try to come up with everything alone, ask your colleagues: how do they see the New Year corporate 2012? It's not a fact that all ideas will be used, but you will at least see what the people want, and get at least a couple of interesting ideas that you would not have thought of.

Thirdly, stick to the budget. Determine in advance how much you are willing to spendto a corporate party, and try not to go beyond. It is important to be able to see what can be saved. For example, do not buy expensive napkins with drawings, if you can do cheaper. The difference is almost imperceptible (especially for the second hour of the corporate), and the money will be saved.

Fourthly, Determine where you will take food. You can order it in a restaurant, if it allowsbudget, but then you need to sit down and plan a menu in advance. Be sure to consult with colleagues - perhaps in the team there are vegetarians or allergic people. Another option is to ask everyone to cook and bring one dish (only distribute who will bring what, but on the table there may be ten desserts and not a single salad). And you can just arrange a buffet with sandwiches and snacks.

Fifthly, Determine the date and notify all. Of course, if the date is assigned "from above", there remainsjust submit, but still people need to know in advance in order to tailor their personal plans for it. Perhaps, someone needs to decide who to leave with the child, etc.

Sixth, decide, will you invite guests to the New Year's corporate. Somewhere it is customary to celebrate exclusivelyworking group, somewhere you can bring your spouse, other family members or friends with you. This, too, must be discussed in advance, so that everyone finds themselves on an equal footing. If many employees have children they want to bring with them, it makes sense to organize a separate table for them and find someone who can take them or even look after them.

Seventh, answer an unimportant question: with or without alcohol? Few, probably, will want non-alcoholicNew Year's corporate 2012, but you need to know the measure. Under the influence of alcohol, some people behave extremely ... so to speak, unpredictably, and then you still work together. Before the party, be sure to find out the preferences of colleagues: suddenly someone does not drink something? The way out of the situation can be a cocktail party: you can buy everything in just a little bit and make original cocktails, and then amicably taste them.

Eighth, pick up music. You probably want to dance, andmusical predilections of colleagues can turn out to be quite unexpected. Therefore, it is better to take care that there is music for every taste. If there is an Internet in the office (and, most likely, you have it), online radio can become a way out of the situation: there is a huge number of "thematic" radio stations for every taste.

Actually, all these tips can be reduced to three main ones: Allow colleagues to help you, listen to their opinion and be easier. Then the New Year corporate 2012 will be sure to be fun and memorable!

New Year's corporate events 2012
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