Occupational diseases
For many, work, especially the beloved, with timebecomes a certain way of life, world outlook and style of behavior. Often a single glance at a person is enough to understand who he is working with. Unfortunately, in addition to professional skills and qualities, almost every job involves its own occupational diseases.
Naturally, that a set of professional ailments for representatives of different specialties is seriously different. Representatives of physical and mental labor will accordingly have various occupational diseases.
Classification of disorders in the body, whichmay appear due to unfavorable factors associated with a certain type of activity, a great many, as well as the professions themselves. One way or another, almost every work with time can turn into a certain illness for a person. Even the most "harmless", at first glance, professions have their contraindications. Therefore, people suffering from a certain chronic disease are better off choose a profession that will not contribute to the development of his illness. And those who do not want to earn a certain diagnosis together with their work experience, you should know how to prevent occupational diseases peculiar to your work.
Let's consider some conditional classifications of branches of activity and their occupational diseases.
The main factor that today is the most dangerous is stressfulness of the profession. Virtually every type of activity involvescertain nervous tension. If a person is really serious about his work, then, one way or another, the experience about the quality of work, the risks associated with certain activities, still there. To representatives of the most stressful professions it is customary to include journalists, medical workers, teachers, and businessmen. This list does not mean that representatives of other professions do not experience stress at all.
A huge layer consists of occupational diseases associated with specific working conditions, which are formally called formal "Harmfulness". Agree, because a large number of peoplework in factories and factories where it is not always possible to fully protect themselves from harmful fumes, dust and other substances that have a negative impact on the human condition. Therefore, many professional ailments can be associated with this kind of impact.
Further, considering occupational diseases, it is impossible not to pay attention to diseases, caused by noise. If in the Soviet times the greatest noise createdworking airplane turbines, or operating plants of factories, then, in our time, disco, mass concerts and many other activities have been added to this list.
Often, people who work in a noise environment have to use their own vote. Although, these two factors may not overlap. The constant tension of the vocal cords leads to their tightening. Over time, the voice sits down. In addition, occupational diseases associated with inflammation and vocal cord disorders can develop. It is proved that constant "speaking" can be fraught with mental disorders.
Many activities involve spending a lot of time in front of computer. In the representatives of these professions, of course, eyes, of course, suffer.
Many people are engaged, as they say, "Sedentary" activity. If it seems to you that this is the safestoption, then you are deeply mistaken. After all, there is a whole list of occupational diseases that you can earn by driving a sedentary lifestyle. The muscles suffer, almost all parts of the spine, joints.
It also does not promote good health and too mobile type of activity. Representatives of professions that spend a lot of time "on their feet" risk to earn varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, swelling of the lower extremities.
In order for professional diseases to disturb you as little as possible, above all, you should observe safety regulations, related to your activity. Keep track of your physical and psychological condition, lead a healthy lifestyle, which, in addition to rejecting bad habits, implies proper nutrition and a healthy sleep.