First place of work: how to find it?First place of work in many respects determines the further development of yourcareer. People say: "A good beginning is half the battle." Having given your career a worthy start, you save time and nerves, and can quickly accumulate experience and knowledge to become a real professional in your field.

At many the first place of work appears inschool or college years. Of course, very few people in this case work in the specialty or at least "about" it (a tutor, assistant or laboratory assistant at the department). Most often you have to work as a promoter, a courier, a sales consultant, a construction worker, or try freelancing. But student podrabotki - it's still a little bit wrong. In this article we will talk about the first serious place of work in the specialty.

So, you got a diploma and stand on the doorstepadult independent life. Where to go? How to find the first job? Usually at this stage, yesterday's students can have two states, depending primarily on self-esteem. The first is panic: I'm a young specialist with no work experience, do not really know anything, who will take me to work this way, will have to become a janitor, the streets of revenge. The second is calm self-confidence: I am a young specialist, "fresh blood" with a fountain of original ideas, yes for me employers will fight.

And in both cases the graduate risks making a serious mistake. When low self-esteem he will clutch for the very first sentencethe employer - well, that, that the first place of work is so-so, it is necessary to work a lot, pay a little, no career prospects. But they took the same - and no one else, probably, did not take it. When overestimated self-esteem the situation is the opposite - yesterday's studentwill "sort through" vacancies. Why waste time on "trifle", if from day to day on it should go Big Boss and offer a job in a very cool corporation? Only the Big Boss does not call, time goes by, but there is no work.

Therefore, in order to find the first job that really will start your career, you need adequately assess their strengths. Do not rush to find a job, as in a pool withhead, but do not wait for the weather at the sea. Think: what are your strengths and weaknesses? What skills and abilities, personal and professional qualities are best placed on the job search? Do not try to immediately jump above your head - but do not belittle your dignity. And make a decent resume, it will help you very much when you look for work.

Then think, what do you want from your future career. Fast career growth? New knowledge and skills, constant self-improvement? Calm stable operation without force majeure? Choose your first job based on your goals and wishes - if possible, give preference to the employer who can give you what you need.

But keep in mind that regardless of your goals, the first place of work should give you the opportunity not only to not lose the knowledge that you got in high school, but also Get new, get the necessary professional experience. Most often graduates of the university - theorists, they are nothad the opportunity to apply knowledge in practice. So it's best to choose your company, which gives your employees the opportunity to learn, acquire new skills and experience.

Do not choose the first job on the principle of "first time work, and then I'll find something more worthwhile". Firstly, very few people actually goto look for a new job - as they say, they are not looking for good from the good. So they remain for years on boring unprofitable work, on which they were going to simply "to be rushed". Secondly, if you even find another place, too frequent change of work will not be of use to a young specialist: the time that you could spend on acquiring professional experience will go to the adaptation to a new job.

The first place of work should be looked for thoughtfully and carefully. But do not be afraid to make mistakes: Bad experience is also an experience, which will help in the future not to step a second time on the same rake. If the first place of work did not work out - what, the second will certainly be more successful.

First place of work: how to find it?
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