Why do you need work experience?
![Why do you need work experience? Why do you need work experience?](/images/karera/zachem-nuzhen-stazh-raboti.jpg)
We all know that we need to think about the future alreadytoday, so that later it would not be too late. Many people, young people in particular, rarely think about the length of service. And, incidentally, it is very relevant, because the length of the pension depends on the length of the pension. More precisely, from the time during which a contribution to the Pension Fund is paid for a working person.
These contributions can not be less than a certain amountminimum. If they are not paid for you (for example, you study at a hospital, work unofficially or do not work at all), you can do it yourself. To do this, it is enough to file an application with the Pension Fund for voluntary participation in the pension insurance system. However, it is impossible to pay less than a certain amount - the one that is accrued on a minimum wage.
The total length of service includes the time of work on the laborcontract, participation in public works, hospital, maternity leave, unemployment assistance, payment of insurance premiums on their own. The length of service is determined by the number of years worked, or rather months. If you worked part-time for a month, but paid a contribution of at least the minimum amount, then you will be credited with a full month of work experience. But if you work part time, then for one month of work experience you will have to work for two months and pay the minimum insurance premiums for both.
Every adult working person shouldbe a workbook, which indicates the place and duration of work. If a person works without a work record book, it means that the work experience is not accrued to him. Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine On Compulsory State Pension Insurance states that the period of insurance for calculating the size of the pension by age also includes the period of receipt of a disability pension or in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.
The length of service affects not only the amount of pension, notIt also has less importance for promotion on the career ladder. For an employee with a long record of work in any field, usually all doors are open - none of the employers are willing to train employees at their own expense. And a workbook is a great way to confirm your great work experience.
If you come to work forspecialty, you will be interested in the experience of work. Professional experience is a certificate of qualifications and salary. From the first, usually depends on the second. Depending on the length of service, workers of the executive and internal affairs bodies, energy and science workers receive additional bonuses. For example, once a year they give a allowance to teachers with a ten-year experience.
Servicemen, employees of law enforcement bodies,civil servants, prosecutors, customs officers, civil servants, judges, scientific and some medical workers, artists and honored athletes who have worked for a certain time in their profession, are entitled to retirement pension for long service. This means that they can retire without reaching retirement age.
The main difficulty lies in calculating the length of servicefor the purpose of pensions for long service. So, if for civil servants such length of service is established in a period of not less than 15 years, then for flight test personnel not less than 25 years. Employees of customs authorities must have an experience of 20 years or more. In some cases, women acquire the right to retire with less seniority than men (fleet, civil aviation), in other cases, the service requirements for men and women are the same (pedagogical activity, public health work, creative work on stage).
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