New Professions

As the economy changes, prioritysphere of activity, and there is a need for new specialists. Some of the new professions came to us from the West, having no analogues, and some are slightly altered old professions. Names of new professions preferred not to translate into Russian, having made a tracing paper from English. Hence - constant intrusive questions to holders of new professions with sonorous names: "So what do you still do?"
Most of the new promising professions are in the spheres that are now most in demand, and, therefore, are developing most dynamically. it sales area (we have learned how to produce goods and services over the centuries, now this is not enough - we need to be able to sell them), IT-sphere and professions related to interaction with people (PR, recruitment, work with clients). Let's take a closer look at each category of new professions.
New Sales Professions
Little is able to produce goods or provideservices. The modern range of goods from services is so rich that the buyer in itself does not come to you - it needs to be attracted and interested. In this case, help comes specialists in sales.
Let's say you have a product of a certain brand. How to convince the buyer that he needs this particular product? For this you need brand manager. Do not confuse the brand manager with the sales manager. He sells not so much the goods, how many develops a trade mark. For this he conducts large-scale PR-actions (presentations, exhibitions).
If you have a large turnover, you can not do without Logistics Manager. Logistics is the management of material andinformation flows. The task of the logistics manager (logistics) is to ensure the smooth operation of all divisions. The logistic manages the deliveries, organizes the cargo flow, controls the cargo transportation, acceptance and delivery of the goods.
Supervisor controls the activities of sales representatives. He distributes work sites (routes) between subordinates, formulates goals and objectives of sales representatives, encourages and punishes employees.
Merchandiser responsible for the promotion of goods in retailtrade, directly at the points of sale. He controls the location of goods on the shelves, advertising of goods, prices for it. Merchandiser organizes promotions at sales points, instructs maintenance personnel, monitors the dynamics of sales of goods and regularly reports on all goods.
Of course, each of us promoters. They usually offer to try the product inlarge supermarkets. Their task - to interest the buyer, giving him the most to appreciate the taste and quality of the goods. Promoter is a common work for students.
New professions in the field of IT
The field of information technology is developing rapidly, and we all continue from the habit of calling IT professionals programmers, computer programmers and administrators. In fact, in the IT field there are a lot of different professions.
Programmer - this is not any person capable of deliveringyou need an operating system, as many of us used to think. In fact, programmers are engaged in the development of applications, i.e. writes functional computer programs in different programming languages.
Web Programmer creates websites using special programming languages and technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, javascript and others. However, for the web programmer to be able to write the site code, Web Designer should make a website template. The web designer is responsible for the design of the site: the appearance of the site in general, logos, banners, navigation on the site.
Testers check the applications written by programmers or Web sites created by web programmers and web designers for errors, usability and functionality, indicating what needs to be worked out.
Copywriters originally called development expertsadvertising slogans and writing advertising texts, but now this profession is treated more broadly. Copywriters help to fill the content site, writing unique articles for different sites.
System administrators configure and maintain the local network anduser computers in offices and enterprises. Simply put, their task is to ensure that computers and peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.) and the local network always work properly
New Professions in Working with People
Receptionist deals with the primary reception of clients - personally orby phone. His task is to meet and greet the client, and then send him to the appropriate specialist. He registers visitors and phone calls, parses correspondence and gives visitors help.
In the future, a receptionist can become office manager. The office manager is the "heart of the office", becauseit provides work. He leads receptionists, couriers, drivers. Its task is to purchase consumables and monitor the serviceability of office equipment, if necessary, causing repairmen.
Personal assistant of the head - it's not just a secretary. He organizes the work of the head of the company and is often an intermediary in the conduct of business. The assistant is authorized to negotiate independently on behalf of the manager and solve practical issues within his competence.
HR-manager deals with work with staff, starting with hiringand ending with dismissal. He develops a system of personnel management, organizes teamwork, is responsible for motivating employees, finds an individual approach to them - in general, he ensures that the team works as a unit.
Helping an HR manager can coacher. He is directly motivatedemployees, revealing their potential and developing in the right direction the ability of staff. This allows you to increase productivity and efficiency, maximizing the capabilities of each employee.
So, new professions on the labor market can be found for every taste. The new professions of the 21st century are quite promising, because they help humanity to keep pace with the times.