Who to be: choose a profession

ABOUT choosing a future profession parents begin to think about their childrenliterally from the first months of the baby's life. After all, they undoubtedly want the favorite child in the future to have a good high-paying job, to realize their professional and personal qualities.
Some parents are inclined to decide everything for their ownchild, believing that they all know better. Often in such cases, the choice falls either on a profession that is highly paid and prestigious (for example, a lawyer or an economist) or for a profession that will continue to "family business" ("hereditary" doctors, actors, military). At the same time, parents take little account of the child's propensity for the profession chosen by them, the presence of certain abilities.
From a psychological point of view it is much better if choosing a future profession for a child is necessary, taking into account his inclinations, talents, abilities, potential.
When it is possible to identify in the child the rudiments of futureprofessional interests? Different circles and sections, in which the child is given back in the preschool age - this is the first step in determining the future profession. Parents can go in two ways: either develop in the child those qualities that he lacks, or focus on the most vivid qualities.
Psychologists often recommend choosing the first path,because then the personality of the child is formed more harmoniously. However, if for the child this involves violence over oneself and your "nature", then in no case should one be forced to engage in an uninteresting circle or section for him. If "for harmony" a child is taken to a music school, an art studio, and an English tutor, and he is clearly against, then it is worth switching to more interesting activities for the child. In addition, the variety of modern circles and sections allows almost every kid to choose a matter for the soul.
When a child goes to school,interests fall into school subjects. Physics or chemistry, mathematics or a foreign language, literature or history - any of these subjects can become a "favorite" for the student. But often "love" for the school subject is more a love for the teacher of this subject. I like the teacher - a favorite subject, but I do not like it - then the subject "on the black list" of the child's interests.
therefore it is important for parents to closely monitor not only the marks on school disciplines, but also the general hobbies of their child. For example, if a child really lovesmathematics, then, for sure, he likes to solve other problems "on logic": puzzles, puzzles, etc. A child who well in literature, most likely, likes to read, writes poetry or composes stories.
In addition, now is very popular divisionschool classes on a profile basis: physical and mathematical, linguistic, humanitarian, legal, etc. Therefore it is very important to imagine which profession is behind this or that school subject. A very important role is played by awareness of the peculiarities of various professions. If parents and children are interested in, for example, the profession of an interpreter, then it would be nice to get as much information as possible about where and how translators work, what duties they perform.
Parents of a teenager of 12-13 years are already "close" approach to the problem of choosing a profession. If earlier you could only look narrowly,try, study, then from this age, when students usually enter the profile classes, a more serious study of core subjects begins. More time is devoted to the subjects necessary for admission to the university, lectures for schoolchildren read university teachers, universities hold "open days".
Help the teenager decide on the futureprofession and start an active "work on yourself" can be done in different ways. Attentive parents themselves "in the know", as far as their child is inclined to this or that kind of activity. However, there are still a number of techniques for career guidance for adolescents, which are based on an analysis of the personal qualities and preferences of the child. Does he have leadership abilities? Is he ready to work in a team? Does he like communication? The answers to these questions to some extent characterize the various professions and allow the teenager to offer a number of suitable professions.
Testing for career counseling usually conducted by psychologists, human resources specialistsagencies or employment services. But there are special test compilations and online tests for those who want to decide for themselves the choice of their future profession. It should be understood that such tests give only recommendations, but do not commit to anything.
To not be mistaken with the choice of profession for the child, it is important to pay attention to the following points:
- do not identify the school subject and profession;
- It is not necessary to transfer the attitude to the certain representative of a trade to the profession;
- It is not necessary to be guided only by the "external" side of the profession;
- It is worthwhile to adequately assess your professional and personal potential.
It is important to remember that over time tastes and lifepriorities have the property of changing, and the profession chosen once can also change or even disappear altogether. But whatever the child wants to do in the future, there will always be a place for self-development, gaining new knowledge, improving skills.