Work part-time
The issue of employment for part-time jobs worries in our time many. If the schedule of the main job leaves enough free time, part-time work is a great way to replenish your budget.
Everyone has the right to work isis enshrined in the constitution. Therefore, in case the employee wants to work in his spare time, no one has the right to refuse him. A part-time job should not damage the main job, and the rights and duties of a part-time employee are governed by the labor laws of the country.
Compatibility, according to Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is considered regular performance by the employee of other paid work during the time free from the basic work.
When applying for a part-time jobthe labor contract does not differ from the usual employment contract and is formalized in the same way. However, in this contract it is necessary to indicate that this work is a part-time job.
A part-time job can be performed both in the same organization, for example, in another structural unit, or in another organization or company. In either of these cases job part-time is necessarily performed on the basis of an employment contract, which is between the employee and the employer.
The employee has to conclude as many employment contracts for part-time jobs as he likes. but legislation limits the daily workload on a part-time basis by four hours, and the weekly one by sixteen.
Termination of the employment contract for part-time jobs occurs on general grounds and is regulated by the labor code.
To apply for part-time work The employee must present the following documents to the administration of the company::
- passport;
- document on the education received;
- documents confirming special skills, if such are necessary;
- certificate of the main place of work;
- a certificate of health, if necessary.
The record of the part-time job is entered in the workbook at the request of the employee. At the same time, the entry is made by the principal employer on the basis of the certificate of conciliation provided by the employee.
Payment for part-time work is done in accordance with Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is charged for one of several options: in proportion to the worked time or piecework (on the fact of the work done). If other terms of calculation of wages are specified in the employment contract, then it is calculated in accordance with the contract.
If the employee of a particular profession or a certain region is charged with extra wages, then the same allowances should be added to the performance of part-time work.
When working part-time, the employee is often concerned about the issue of annual leave. How should it be charged in this case? Annual paid leave is given to the employee who works part-time, simultaneously with leave on the main job (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the amounts worked in combinationdays is not enough for the employee to leave (the employee works less than six months), then the employer must provide him with paid leave in advance.
Special attention should be paid to the procedure for payment of maternity care during part-time work. Assistance is paid to a person working forpart-time, on the basis of a copy of the disability sheet for pregnancy and childbirth, issued in accordance with the established procedure and certified at the main place of work. The employee must also provide a certificate of average salary from the main place of work.
The amount of payment for the main place of work and the place of work in combination can not exceed the maximum amount of the monthly salary with which the premiums have been paid.
For part-time work, restrictions can be set. Restrictions can be established in connection withthe state of health of the employee or specific requirements for the profession, working conditions. Restrictions for part-time work are established for pregnant women.
It is forbidden to perform paid part-time work, except pedagogical, scientific and creativeactivities, certain categories of employees: civil servants, judges, prosecutors, etc. The ban on part-time work is also introduced for persons who have not reached the age of 18.
To date, one of the most common cases of part-time work Is the work of an accountant. One accountant can combine work at once in two, or even in three, small organizations - due to the minimum workflow in each of them. In combination, programmers, web designers, journalists, nannies, etc. often also work.