Leave for the wedding: the number of days, questions about the holidays for the wedding of children and friends
Marriage is undoubtedly one of thethe most important events in the life of each person. At the moment, citizens who are officially working, have an additional vacation in connection with the wedding. These rights are reinforced in the federal laws on labor and local legal acts. And the employer has no right to refuse in this case, regardless of when he received the application, at least one day before the deadline. The period of work of a person in this company also does not matter.
The days laid for the wedding, in the Labor Code
A wedding is a wonderful event! However, preparation for the wedding takes a long time. And participants of the solemn ceremony should take care of additional days off in advance.
The labor legislation provides forgranting leave without pay for up to five calendar days in cases described in regulatory enactments. According to the law, to such cases it is possible to carry registration of marriage. And if you are registered in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you have the right to take advantage of this opportunity for extraordinary leave by submitting a statement to the management.
In addition to the above, in our timethere are collective agreements at the enterprise. Such contracts often require paid leave in the amount of three days, it can be used in connection with the wedding. The existence of a collective agreement can be asked in the personnel department.
Now, getting ready for work, often consistsnot labor, but a civil-law contract. The effect of labor law on such a contract does not extend and, accordingly, does not imply a social package. And, according to legal norms, there are no rights for additional days off in a civil law contract. The possibility of granting an extraordinary leave and its payment are determined by management. Although often in such cases, the employee hears a hard "No".
Material assistance in connection with the marriage
Monetary aid to an employee who decided to joinmarriage, is paid on the basis of the relevant application and a copy of the marriage certificate. This procedure should be specified in the collective agreement or in the Regulation on labor remuneration, and often does not exceed 5 thousand rubles.
Also material assistance can be paidmembers of the trade union. In this case, the chairman of the trade union organization is given a similar statement. There is a deadline for submitting such an application - three months from the date of the wedding.
Do not forget that the payment of financial assistance- this is not an obligation, but the right of management of your enterprise. To pay or not to pay, as well as the amount of such assistance - the decision is made only by the first person of the company. Some employers include this payment in social guarantees.
Knowledge of all aspects of labor lawyou need every employee, then he can easily get the additional vacation packages for him. Thus, modern people will be aware of their rights and social guarantees.
Answers to questions about the holiday for the wedding
People often ask the question why managers do notalways happy to give a vacation for a wedding. Wedding ceremonies most often fall on July, August and September. It is during this period that the burden on the employees of the personnel department of the enterprise increases. This is connected with the granting of extraordinary leave to employees who marry.
Leave for children's wedding
Wedding - a symbolic and significant event in lifeany person. According to labor legislation, the possibility of obtaining an extraordinary leave for employees whose children are going to marry can be found in art. 128. Such leave is not paid.
To parents it is possible to carry the first item "onfamily circumstances ... ". This rule of law is recommendatory, not mandatory. An additional leave without pay for the wedding of the children is received by the employee upon application and in coordination with the authorities.
Leave for the wedding of close relatives
Often there are situations when an employeethe enterprise wants to go on vacation, because it is planned to marry a daughter, nephew, sister or other close relative. Such a statement, filed in connection with the marriage of close relatives, the company's management has the right not to satisfy. Such leave, as mentioned above, can be attributed to the first paragraph of Article 128 of the LC RF. The provision of such days off and their number are determined solely by the first person of your enterprise.
The only exceptions are those cases in whichcollective agreement or other regulatory acts of the enterprise it is stipulated that an extraordinary leave is granted on the occasion of the wedding of a close relative of the employee for certain days only upon a written application. This leave does not involve the preservation of wages. In this version, the head is obliged to release the subordinate to a solemn marriage.
The wedding is a bright and memorable event, andcares and worries are pleasant. But to work out all the little things it takes time, and that the wedding was a success, all customs were observed, and the event remained in the memory of all guests, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with all the rights provided for by the Labor Code in 2016 for working citizens.