Determine the sex of a child after conception
Planning the birth of a child, or justpregnant women, many women want to know what sex he will be. The ultrasound can show this only after a few months, but there are other means that will help determine the sex of the child. For this, parents' birthdays, their blood groups and Rh factors and some folk signs are used. In this article, we will give several options for how to know the sex of a future child immediately after conception, or even before it.
Several proven ways to make a calculation
There are scientific methods by which the day of ovulation and, accordingly, the sex of the fetus are calculated. But it is far from always possible to calculate these days with accuracy.
Method one
The Chinese even 700 years ago came up with a speciala table that, with the help of the mother's age and the month of conception, allows you to simply determine the sex of the baby. In the vertical column you will see the age of the mother, and in the horizontal column - the month of the alleged conception. At the intersection of these two lines, the alleged sex is written.
Method of the second
There are suggestions that the floor can be recognized byblood group and Rh factor of parents. Below are two tables, so this can be determined. For some, this method proved to be correct, while others received the wrong answer. In any case, try it, because it does not bring absolutely no harm.
Method Three
You can more accurately determine the sex of the unborn childby the date of ovulation. This method has some scientific justification. It has long been proven that sex is already determined at the time of conception, depending on which sperm fertilized the egg.
In fact, the egg is not its carrier,this function is performed by spermatozoa. Carriers of the X chromosome will give you a girl, and HU - a boy. To give birth to a boy, you need to accurately determine the date of release of the egg into the uterine tube (ovulation). This day comes about in the middle of the menstrual cycle. There are special tests that are based on measuring the temperature of the vagina, by which to determine the date of ovulation is simple enough.
Conception in ovulation presupposes a future birthboy, since male sperm cells are faster, and can reach the egg in a short time. But they are less tenacious, which is why conception should take place exactly on the day of ovulation.
Method Four
You can calculate the sex of the child by the date of birthparents. There are many services on the websites that will help you in this. It is enough to enter the dates of the birth of the father and mother (day, month and year), as well as the date of the alleged conception. The system will give you the result in a few seconds.
But there are other calculation tables basedonly on the birthdays of future fathers and mothers. Vertically, the months of the birth of the mother are located, and horizontally, the father. At their intersection is a secret number. In the second table, at the intersection of the secret number and the month of conception, the gender of your child will be noted. Muzzles with blue pacifier - boys, and with pink - girls.
Folk signs
Our ancestors independently determined the sex of the future child by the appearance of the mother or her stomach. Surely, many of them are known to you.
If at a late pregnancy a woman has a waist (when viewed from the back), a boy will be born.
Boys are much more active in the womb, so if your child is constantly pushed, most likely, he is a male.
Girls "take beauty" from their mothers. A woman, pregnant with her daughter, can greatly turn bad during this period, there will be acne, stretch marks or strong swelling of the face.
By the preference of the pregnant woman to the products, you can also determine the sex. Strongly pulls on sweet - there will be a girl, constantly it would be desirable meat - the boy.
The older a woman, the higher the probability of a girl's birth.
Short breaks between pregnancies promise unhealthy babies.
But, whatever signs and methods of definition we do notresulted, the main thing - that the child was born healthy and pleased parents. Of course, there are drug detection methods for sex, but they are quite expensive, and in some cases can even harm the baby. Therefore, wait for birth and rejoice in a new member of the family.