Compatibility of blood groups in the planning of pregnancy

A married couple dreaming of a baby can notunderestimate the issue of blood group membership: this "trifle", lost sight of, can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy or become a threat to the life of an unborn child. With the help of modern medicine, the problem can be minimized to some extent.

The "bloody" question, or how to determine compatibility

The blood of each of us is strictly individual. But the blood of all people, without exception, contains special antigen proteins, thanks to which scientists were able to classify it into several of the most common groups.

The system AB0

Based on the presence of a specific antigen protein A, Bor a combination of them, 4 blood groups are allocated: 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th, respectively. If there are no such proteins-this is group I (0), there are proteins of type A-II (A), there are proteins of type B-III (B), both antigens-IV (AB) are connected.

Rh system

Blood that contains the Rh rhesus antigen is called Rh positive, in the absence of Rh rhesus antigen - Rh negative.

These systems are developed on the basis ofspecific proteins on the surface of erythrocytes. In a couple of each antigen, nature created an antibody - a protein element that is attracted to the protein, thereby destroying it. Human blood stores antigens on the outer walls of erythrocyte cells, and the corresponding antibodies are in the plasma. Thus, these elements are not attracted, which ensures the viability of red blood cells.

Compatibility of blood groups in the planning of pregnancy

How does the incompatibility of blood between mother and child occur?

If the maternal blood does not contain a specificantigen (A, B or Rhesus antigen), then their presence in the child immune cells of the female body will be perceived as the presence of an alien (hostile to them) component. In this connection, the corresponding antibodies are formed in the mother's blood, which are attracted to the proteins of the baby's erythrocyte cells (which he received from his father) and destroy them.

Note! Conflict in the blood group occurs in isolated cases! The second group of blood with antigen A is considered the most "problematic" in this respect. The overwhelming majority of cases of group incompatibility arise on the basis of the fact that the pair does not fit each other according to the Rh factor.

When there is danger

Determining the compatibility of the blood of parents by Rh factor in planning pregnancy, you need to follow the following rules:

The Rh factor of women and men is identical - an ideal variant of compatibility for conception.

  1. The positive Rh factor of the future father andnegative in the future mother - a conflict situation with the subsequent development of complications. The child will inherit the father's Rh factor with a "+" sign. As soon as the female body senses the presence of foreign proteins, it will immediately create neutralizing antibodies for its protection - pregnancy can result in miscarriage.Compatibility of blood groups in the planning of pregnancy

  2. The discrepancy between parents is very rareaccording to the ABO system and the blood group. At the child II group of blood on a paternal line with fiber And, thus at its or his mum the first group of a blood. The situation develops according to the scenario of incompatibility of parents by Rh factor.

  3. Parents are carriers of blood with an identical Rh factor, but different groups (with the exception of the second in men) - there is no risk of incompatibility.

Compatibility and transfusion

For the transfusion procedure, the compatibility of the donor and the recipient is of fundamental importance.

If the patient is poured blood with antigen,which is not in his blood, a real confrontation of cells will begin - human life will be under threat. The donor antigen will begin to destroy the recipient protein that is foreign to it. As a result, the erythrocytes will merge into a viscous mass, and the patient will die.

Compatibility of blood groups in the planning of pregnancy

Donor blood should not contain proteins that are not in the blood of a sick person. Based on this:

  • The 1st (0) group is suitable for transfusion to all people without exception;

  • The 2nd (A) group is suitable for the recipient with the antigen A - the 2nd (A) and the 4th (AB);

  • The 3rd (B) group corresponds to the 3rd (B) and the 4th (AB);

  • The 4th (AB) is the most "capricious", because the recipient needs a donor exclusively with the 4th (AB) blood group.

Also do not forget about the rhesus compatibility, which the donor and recipient should be identical.

Planning pregnancy, Rhesus incompatiblefuture parents should not despair because of fear for the health of the child. In the end, the baby can get both a positive and a negative Rh factor. There is no confirmed information that in all cases of incompatibility the mother's body does not accept a child with an "unsuitable" structure of red blood cells. In addition, the capabilities of modern medicine can strictly control the risk of incompatibility and minimize the threat of intrauterine and post-natal damage to the child.

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