Tea with fennel for newborns

Fennel (pharmacy dill, sweet fennel) has long been famous for its useful properties. For example, tea with fennel - a known tool that helps to fight colic in newborns.
Fennel essential oil promotes normalizationwork of the digestive system. It is on this property that the therapeutic effect of dill water is based, which is often used to combat colic in newborns. But you can not buy dill water in every pharmacy, so many parents prefer it tea with fennel for newborns.
Available for sale Finished tea with fennel, which you just need to dilute warm boiledwater according to the instructions, if the tea is in granules, and if in bags - pour the packet with boiling water and insist for five minutes. Naturally, before giving the tea to the child, you need to cool it to a comfortable temperature for the baby (36-37 degrees), so that it does not burn.
Give tea between the feedings. Try to cook just as much tea as the child can drink at a time: tea with fennel is not recommended to reheat, besides, you need to consume it within a day. So it's better to cook tea a little bit: the extra one will still "disappear".
The daily dose of tea depends on the age of the child: the older the child, the more it can be. Usually tea with fennel is recommended for children over one month old, the maximum daily dose of tea for a child at this age should not exceed 50 ml per day.
Quality ready-made tea with fennel fornewborns should not contain crystalline sugar (meaning sucrose), gluten, artificial colors and flavors. Many teas also do not contain lactose. The main components of this tea are fennel extract and dextrose (glucose). Thus, the child will receive the necessary glucose in its pure form.
In principle, it is possible to prepare tea with fennel at home. Tea is prepared from fennel fruits. Pour a glass of boiling water a teaspoon of chopped fennel fruit and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then the tea is filtered and allowed to cool. Tea can be given in a frequent form (in small amounts) or added to milk or a mixture.
If you are breastfeeding, you can also drink tea with fennel, it will be useful for both you and yourthe kid. Just do not get carried away: abuse of fennel, like other medicinal herbs, can hurt your health rather than benefit.
Tea with fennel for newborns helps to normalize the work of the digestive tract, he reduces gassing and eliminates colic. Thanks to the content of vitamin C, it acts as a fortifying agent that improves the state of the nervous and immune systems of the child.
However, please note that Fennel can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is not necessary to give the child a fennel tea,without consulting with a doctor in advance. For the first time, give the child a tiny bit of tea and watch his reaction: if everything goes well, the dose can be increased.
Tea with fennel - a good alternative to dill water and phytopreparations "Plantex". He is no better and no worse than them: depending on the individual characteristics of the child's body, he can better help either tea, or dill, or "Plantex." Simply tea with fennel is often the most accessible remedy for colic in newborns.
The main thing is to follow the rules of preparation and dosage of tea, as well as "introduce" the child to fennel tea gradually to avoid allergies. And do not forget to consult a doctor beforehand: it is better to be safe than to treat two diseases at once, colic and allergies.