Umbilical hernia in newborns
Umbilical hernia is a fairly common diagnosis among newborns. Should I worry if your child has an umbilical hernia? How is umbilical hernia treated in newborns?
Why does an umbilical hernia occur in infants? In general, any hernia is the protrusion of the internal organs from the cavity in which they are located, through the defects present in the wall of this cavity. In this way, umbilical hernia is a protrusion of the abdominal cavity through the umbilical ring.
The umbilical ring Is a hollow muscular ring in the anterior abdominalthe wall of the newborn. In norm it is rather narrow and cicatrized a few weeks after birth. But in some infants, the umbilical ring is enlarged, and with increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity, internal organs (omentum, intestine) can protrude through it.
Why does intra-abdominal pressure increase? Causes may be different: prolonged crying, increased gas formation in the intestine, constipation, severe cough. Of course, not always crying or gases lead to an umbilical hernia. The prerequisites for the onset of umbilical hernia are an enlarged umbilical ring and a weak tone of the abdominal muscles.
Umbilical hernia in newborns is more noticeable,if the child strains the abdominal muscles (when crying, for example) or in a standing position. When the child lies, the contents of the hernia go back to the abdominal cavity. Umbilical hernia in infants can be different sizes: from a pea to a large plum.
In general, umbilical hernia in newborns is notso scary, as it may seem, and you should not raise panic. If the child develops normally, then with time the activity of the intestine is normalized, accordingly, the pressure in the abdominal cavity also comes back to normal. And under the condition of sufficient motor activity, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are strengthened, and hernia closes on its own. Usually it takes up to three years.
To quickly strengthen the anterior abdominal wall, the doctor can prescribe special massage and exercise therapy. It is best not to try to do thisindependently, and resort to the services of a professional gymnastics trainer and a children's masseur. Before the massage and exercise exercise exercise therapy hernia must be corrected, and before the therapeutic gymnastics is also fixed with a plaster.
In addition, with umbilical hernia in newborns are advised periodically lay the baby on the stomach. In this case, two birds with one stone are killed. First, in this position gases are better to escape, hence - the intra-abdominal pressure decreases. Secondly, the position of "lying on the stomach" prevents the protrusion of the umbilical hernia.
Sometimes a doctor puts a child plaster. First he corrects the hernia, then connectsthe skin near the navel in the fold (longitudinal or transverse), and then fixes it with a plaster. This is done so that the hernia does not protrude, and the umbilical ring heals faster. Ten days later the doctor removes the band-aid, checks the condition of the navel and decides whether or not to apply the patch again.
Remember that all conservative measures of treatment of umbilical hernia (patching, massage, exercise therapy) can be taken Only after the umbilical wound completely heals.
Despite the fact that the umbilical hernia in infants is not such a terrible diagnosis, it's also not worth treating this disease carelessly. Sometimes umbilical hernia leads to the development of complications, in particular, infringement. With severe coughing, straining, etc. the contents of the hernia are squeezed in the hernia gates (umbilical ring), which leads to swelling of the injured organ, and if the infringement is not eliminated in time - then to necrosis and even peritonitis.
With complications of umbilical hernia, emergency surgery is necessary. Surgery is also required whenhernia very large or if the hernia does not disappear by a certain age. Usually, the operation is tried before the child goes to school, but not earlier than he turns 3-5 years old, so as not to expose the child's body to superfluous stress at a tender age. But if the child's condition requires immediate surgery, then, of course, no one will wait until five years.
Thus, umbilical hernia in newborns is not a reason for panic, but also neglect treatment of a hernia is not worth it.