Colic in the child: what to do?

You've been waiting for this for so long and finally your babywas born. Unfortunately, the joy of the first days of life crumbs are often overshadowed by colic - pain in the abdomen and intestines, caused by the immaturity of the digestive system. What to do if there are colic in the child? How to help the baby?
Colic in a child in the first few months after birth Is a completely physiological phenomenon, notwhich is a pathology. Digestive system of the baby still continues to develop and no wonder that it does not work as well as in adults. During the digestion of food, the child may appear gases, problems with stool removal. These phenomena cause the child a pain - it is their custom to call colic.
No mother can stay calm andindifferent, seeing how her baby cries and suffers from pain. And having listened to "horror" about colic, mothers are frightened even more and are ready to give the child any medicine, any remedy, if only the kid does not suffer.
but not always the crying of a child can mean that he has colic. If the baby cries less than 3-4 hours a day(in total), it can be due to a number of other reasons: the baby is too hot or cold, uncomfortable, he wants to eat, etc. But about the colic says crying, which lasts longer than 3-4 hours a day in total and repeats more than 3 days a week.
When colic the baby cries, restlessly waving handles, tends to press the legs to the tummy. From food the baby refuses, to calm him does not work. In this case, the child should be shown to the doctor to confirm colic or, possibly, the presence of any disease in the child.
The fact is that prolonged crying in the child may also be present in case of headaches in the child, allergies, latent insufficiency. An examination at the doctor will confirm or dispel doubts, and also help to begin treatment as soon as possible if the diseases are detected.
If the colic in the child is confirmed, then you need to try to help the kid and ease his condition. Usually helps warm the baby's tummy,"Dill" water, gas pipes. However, each kid is individual and the "traditional set" may not be appropriate in a particular case. You have to try different ways to pick one that will help your baby.
Try to warm the baby's tummy to reduce the pain of the crumbs. Different methods are suitable for this. For example, you can put a warm ironed diaper on the baby's tummy, put the baby's belly down on his mother's stomach.
Try to help the child get rid of the gases. A gentle massage of the tummy facilitates the escape of gasesbaby, special poses. So, you can put the baby tummy down to his mother on his knees, shake him a bit and iron on the back. You can also press the baby's legs against the tummy.
Many parents note that rhythmic lulling movements, for example, rocking in a cradle, contribute to getting rid of pain. You can try and such methods, but be prepared for the fact that you need to pump the child long enough.
Specials herbal teas containing chamomile, dill and fennel, help the baby get rid of gas and ease the stool. Such teas are produced in the form of ready-made mixtures (Bebinos, Beibikalm), and you can also prepare them yourself.
Flue gas duct is known among the parents of infants as one of thethe most effective means of controlling colic. However, to use a gas pipe for colic in a child, try to resort only in the most extreme cases. It can not be abused, as this can disrupt the normal functioning of the baby's digestive system.
Colic in the child - unfortunately, an inevitable phenomenon, which will face almost all parents. Therefore it is important to be ready for this and not to fall into a panic, and try to reduce the pain in the baby. Remember that only your parental love and care can defeat the child's colic. Be patient and let your baby grow healthy!