Treatment of a cold in children
Runny nose, or rhinitis - is quite commondisease in children. And if adults often do not bother themselves with the treatment of rhinitis, guided by the common phrase "if the cold does not heal, it passes for a week, and if treated - for seven days", then It is impossible to neglect the treatment of the common cold in children, especially in infancy.
The main manifestations of the common cold familiar to all - a stuffy nose, a discharge from the nose,deterioration of smell, sometimes - headaches. But a runny nose in children, especially the baby, is much more complicated than in adults, because the mucous membrane of the nose swells much faster, which leads to difficulty in nasal breathing. The immune system of babies is not yet functioning at full strength, so a runny nose in children can lead to complications: infectious diseases (sinusitis, tonsillitis), weight loss (due to the fact that a child with a blocked nose is hard to eat), the appearance of ulcers on the nasal mucosa and mouth.
As a rule, a runny nose in children is notindependent disease, but acts as a symptom of viral infections and diseases of respiratory organs (infectious rhinitis) and problems with the immune system (allergic rhinitis). Therefore, for successful treatment of rhinitis, it is important not only to get rid of the symptoms, but also to eliminate the underlying disease.
Before starting medication, try to alleviate the condition of the child. If a newborn or a baby has a noseclogged with mucus so that it can not breathe, you can try to suck phlegm with a rubber pear with a thin tip or a medical syringe without a needle - first from one nostril, then from the other. But to carry out this procedure should be extremely careful not to damage the delicate mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Do not abuse the sputum suction - it can lead to the drying out of the mucosa and the spread of the infection, so resort to this method is necessary only in case of emergency.
If there is a possibility, lift the head of the child's bed so that he reclined (you can, for example, put a pillow under your shoulders) - then sputum will be allocated easier. But be sure to make sure that the baby is comfortable.
Do not use medications to treat colds in children without first consulting with a doctor, especially if you have cases with an infant. You can bury the baby's nose with saline solution: per liter of boiled water - one teaspoon (9 grams) of purified food salt. It often happens that a mild rhinitis does not need medication at all, because it helps fight infection, removing pathogens from the body.
Do not try to treat the so-called "physiological runny nose", which can occur in infants up to10 weeks. Its appearance is connected with the fact that the nasal mucosa does not yet work "in full force." It will pass itself, to alleviate the condition of the baby, it is necessary to maintain a high humidity of the air (you can use a spray).
From a short runny nose in children it is quite possible to get rid independently, but there are a number of symptoms in which you should immediately consult a doctor. It's high fever, sore throat,shortness of breath, refusal to eat and drink, headaches. Duration of the common cold for more than two weeks, purulent or spotting from the nose also indicates complications and require the intervention of a pediatrician. If the allergic rhinitis, it is not superfluous to consult an allergist.
Runny nose in children - this is not a "non-serious" disease, which can easily be neglected. If you eliminate its cause in time, it will help to avoid more serious illnesses and keep your kid's health.
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As a rule, a runny nose in children is notindependent disease, but acts as a symptom of viral infections and diseases of respiratory organs (infectious rhinitis) and problems with the immune system (allergic rhinitis). Therefore, for successful treatment of rhinitis, it is important not only to get rid of the symptoms, but also to eliminate the underlying disease.
Before starting medication, try to alleviate the condition of the child. If a newborn or a baby has a noseclogged with mucus so that it can not breathe, you can try to suck phlegm with a rubber pear with a thin tip or a medical syringe without a needle - first from one nostril, then from the other. But to carry out this procedure should be extremely careful not to damage the delicate mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Do not abuse the sputum suction - it can lead to the drying out of the mucosa and the spread of the infection, so resort to this method is necessary only in case of emergency.
If there is a possibility, lift the head of the child's bed so that he reclined (you can, for example, put a pillow under your shoulders) - then sputum will be allocated easier. But be sure to make sure that the baby is comfortable.
Do not use medications to treat colds in children without first consulting with a doctor, especially if you have cases with an infant. You can bury the baby's nose with saline solution: per liter of boiled water - one teaspoon (9 grams) of purified food salt. It often happens that a mild rhinitis does not need medication at all, because it helps fight infection, removing pathogens from the body.
Do not try to treat the so-called "physiological runny nose", which can occur in infants up to10 weeks. Its appearance is connected with the fact that the nasal mucosa does not yet work "in full force." It will pass itself, to alleviate the condition of the baby, it is necessary to maintain a high humidity of the air (you can use a spray).
From a short runny nose in children it is quite possible to get rid independently, but there are a number of symptoms in which you should immediately consult a doctor. It's high fever, sore throat,shortness of breath, refusal to eat and drink, headaches. Duration of the common cold for more than two weeks, purulent or spotting from the nose also indicates complications and require the intervention of a pediatrician. If the allergic rhinitis, it is not superfluous to consult an allergist.
Runny nose in children - this is not a "non-serious" disease, which can easily be neglected. If you eliminate its cause in time, it will help to avoid more serious illnesses and keep your kid's health.
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