Sinusitis: treatment with folk methods
A large number of people on the onset of colds suffer from sinusitis. Many people encounter such a diagnosis for the first time. What is this ailment and how to fight it?
Sinusitis (another name is sinusitis) isinflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which are on both sides of the nose, just below the eyes. It is one-sided (left or right) and bilateral (at the same time two sinuses). Can develop in both adults and children. Treatment of sinusitis depends on the causes of it and the course of the disease.
Factors contributing to the occurrence of sinusitis
incorrect or untimely treatment of rhinitis, acute respiratory disease or ARVI;
bacteria (for example, staphylococcus and streptococcus), which for a long time live in the nasopharynx;
allergic diseases of the nose;
adenoids (more often in children);
curvature of the nasal septum. Can be both congenital and acquired (fracture);
a certain way of life (for example, scuba diving).
runny nose and nasal congestion. Often lead to a weakening of taste buds and smell;
abundant discharge from the nose, which can have a yellow or green color;
pressure in the frontal and nasal areas of the face, increasing with the inclination of the head;
general malaise: weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance;
often a rise in body temperature;
in some cases, there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth, toothache, cough with expectoration.
Treatment of sinusitis in the home
avoid very cold and dry air;
copious drink. The ideal option is hot tea;
Thermal inhalation (if the temperature is not increasedbody), for which, as a rule, they use folk remedies for sinusitis. The procedure should be done after cleaning the nose 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes. Inhale - through the mouth, exhale - through the nose. Do with caution, so as not to burn the skin of the face and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose;
inhalation nebulizer;
heating in the nose;
washing the nose;
drug therapy strictly for the purposeotolaryngologist. It can be painkillers, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive drugs depending on the symptomatology. And also antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiallergic - depending on what causes sinusitis.
Many people do not trust the current medicine and consider drugs harmful, therefore in the struggle for normal life of the organism they use the long experience of our ancestors.
Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies
Warm-up methods:
boil the hard-boiled eggs and attach them to the maxillary sinuses. Keep until the eggs cool down;
black radish grind on a grater. Apply normal skin cream to the skin. A small amount of radish wrapped in a handkerchief and attach to the maxillary sinuses. Cover with a foil, then a scarf, hold for 10 minutes;
the stone salt (preferably iodized) is heated in a frying pan, put it in pre-prepared bags of cloth and attach it to the wings of the nose. Keep until cool.
Washing solutions:
1 glass of water + 1 tsp. sea salt or common salt;
1 tbsp. l. leaves of black currant for 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, drain. You can also use St. John's Wort, String or Calendula;
1 glass of warm water, ½ tsp. salt, ½ tsp. soda;
¼ tsp. soda, 20 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis per 1 cup of boiled water.
cook 1 kg of raw potatoes, drain the water. Breathe over the potatoes, covered with a towel;
for 3 liters of boiling water, take 0.5 tsp. tinctures of propolis. Breathe over a saucepan, covered with a towel;
15 g peppermint, 10 g celandine, 10 g plantain pour boiling water and breathe;
In water for inhalation, you can add drops of fir, menthol or eucalyptus.
If you constantly cure a runny nose and sinusitis beforeend, can develop chronic sinusitis, whose treatment will be significantly different from usual. Chronic sinusitis can be of different types, so the fight against this ailment is also diverse, up to puncture or surgical intervention. The main thing is to turn to the doctor in time and start treatment.