Nasal congestion: how to quickly cure nasal congestion with a runny nose and without it - methods of treatment
Nasal congestion is always accompanied byunpleasant sensations. If there is no rhinitis at all, then it's worth to be alert. The reasons for the appearance of a "hammered" nose are many. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand what causes this ailment, and then proceed with the choice of the method of treatment. You can use both medications and folk remedies.
Causes of nasal congestion
There are a lot of reasons for the hammered nose, but their nature is diverse. Nasal congestion in an adult can be caused by the following reasons:
The occurrence of an allergic reaction to food, vegetation, wool or dust: there is swelling, a runny nose is absent, and obstruction is intensified.
Swelling of the mucous membranes leads to severe difficulty breathing.
Hormonal failure in the body, including in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Curved nasal septum: acquired trait due to trauma or congenital.
Too dry air in the house, especially during the heating season.
An unfavorable ecological situation is heavily polluted air.
Too frequent use of vasodilator drugs that can be addictive.
The growth of polyps in the nose.
It is worth noting the most common cause - the onset of colds, when a person feels strong weakness, pain in the temples and apathy.
Constant nasal congestion without a cold: treatment
If the nasal congestion is permanent orepisodic nature without a cold is prescribed treatment with the use of medications. As a rule, these are drops with vasodilating action. The list of the most common drugs in the form of drops from the snot, helping to quickly fight the disease, is as follows:
When selecting droplets, attention should be paid tocomposition: it is better if the essential components are essential oils, since they relieve excessive dryness. It is recommended to treat stuffiness not only with a drop, but also with special ointments, for example, "Evamenol", "Doctor Mom", as well as the traditional "Asterisk". Quickly and candies help, especially at the initial stages: "Holls", "Septotelet", "Grammidine", "Strepsils".
Treatment should includeInhalations that relieve unpleasant symptoms. The ideal option is to purchase a nebulizer for use at home. It can add saline, herbal infusions, mineral water. Each model is equipped with a special nozzle for the nose. If the chosen medicine - spray, drops, tablets or ointment - does not have the proper effect, then it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Treatment with folk remedies
Medicine tips are good because they are not testedone generation. Nasal congestion (including chronic or allergies) without a cold can remove not only medications, but also the remedies that are always at hand.
One of these is the warming up of a boiled chicken egg. The welded product should be applied close to the maxillary sinus on both sides of the nose for 10 minutes. It is necessary to control the temperature regime: there should not be any uncomfortable sensations. This allows not only to reduce the unpleasant pain symptom, but also to get rid of swelling.
Dr. Komarovsky recommends: An effective means is to conduct inhalations with boiled potatoes. Breathe over the capacity with a hot product you need at least 3 or 5 minutes under a towel or blanket.
Barking helps with instillation of juiceplants of Kalanchoe. Quickly relieve the pain and swelling of the lotion based on herbs. For him it is best to use chamomile, St. John's wort or linden, moisten in a welded herbal mixture of cotton and insert into each nostril, keep for about 7-10 minutes.
Recommended as a treatmentsea salt with the addition of iodine (1-2 drops). The solution needs to handle the nose for 3-4 days. The effect from use will be noticeable after the first application.
Also treated with antibiotics, aloe (aloe), ayurvedic method, etc.