How to delete mail on

One of the most well-known e-mail servicesterritory of Russia is More than 10 million accounts have been created here, and this is not the limit, as this indicator is constantly increasing. Despite such growth, some people are interested in removing mail on True, not everyone knows how to do this. To properly get rid of the mailbox, you need to take certain actions.

Step-by-step instruction on how to delete mail on

If the password and login are known, it is not difficult to delete the mail box on mail; it is enough to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Log in to your account with your login and password,which were introduced when registering an electronic mailbox. If the wrong address is written at the end of the field with the login, you need to click on the button with the triangle and choose what you need.How to delete mail on

  2. When the entry to the mailbox is successfully performed,you need to scroll down the page and find a link called "Help." You will need to click on it. A page with the actual questions opens. You need to find the right one and click on it.How to delete mail on

  3. A page will open, which describes how to delete the mailbox on the service. You need to click on the selected link to use the special interface.How to delete mail on

  4. A page appears where you have to fill insubmitted fields to delete the account on the mail service In the special field you will need to specify the reason for removing the box. You can write anything, in this case it does not matter.How to delete mail on

  5. Next, you will have to specify the password from the mailbox on the service. Then click "Delete" and confirm the action by clicking "Ok".How to delete mail on

That's all. The process of deleting the account on the service is completed.

Possible difficulties when deleting mail on

However, there are situations when the user forgotyour password, which was established by creating an account on How do I delete it in this case? Deleting a mailbox does not differ from the previous version, but you will first need to use the help of password recovery on the same site.

You must do the following:

  1. Go to the website, and then click on the "Forgot your password?" In the mail service panel.How to delete mail on

  2. On the recovery page, where the user will be redirected, you must specify your own login from the mail, and then the required domain.How to delete mail on

  3. Then you should use one of the threethe proposed methods for password recovery, which depends on what record was made in the "Password and Security" section when registering an email on the service. In the first case, you will have to answer the secret question, and in the corresponding field enter the code from the proposed image. The second option for recovering the password from the mailbox is to specify the address of another e-mail, where the letter with the link will be sent. Crossing it, you will be able to restore access to the mailbox on the website. The last way is to receive a message on the phone, the number of which is indicated in a special field. In the SMS will come the code, and it should be entered in the proposed line.How to delete mail on

  4. When the password recovery process is complete, the service will prompt you to perform data validation. If all is correct, they need to be confirmed with the "Yes" button.

After password recovery, you can perform actions to delete e-mail on project.

Video: how to delete mail on forever

Delete the email address on entails the erasure of all information that was associated with it. This is an account on the project "My World", video and other data. Therefore, before you delete an email inbox, you need to think about the consequences.

On the video you can see how to delete the mail on, if you know the password.

The following video will show you how to delete mail with an updated design.

And the video below clearly demonstrates the instructions for retrieving the password from the mailbox with the purpose of subsequent deletion of the account.

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