How to connect your TV to your computer
Modern widescreen TVs are quitecan be used as a primary / secondary monitor. This very useful feature allows you to use the TV for games, watching movies and other multimedia entertainment.
Distribution of high-speed Internetled to the growing popularity of a variety of services for online broadcasting of TV channels and watching movies. In this regard, especially relevant is the question of connecting the TV to a PC, because it will make watching videos more comfortable.
There are two main types of connectionTV to PC: as a second monitor and as a multimedia player (in this case, the hard drive acts just as a drive). The second option is used much less often, because it requires that the TV "know how" to read files from the "flash drive", and if such a function exists, then there is no need to connect it to the PC. In this regard, we consider only the connection of the TV as the main or additional monitor for HDMI, DVI and VGA.
How to connect a TV to a computer via HDMI
This method of connection is the mostsimple and provides maximum image quality. However, in order to use it, the video card of your computer and the TV must be equipped with HDMI or mini-HDMI inputs. In addition, you will need a HDMI-to-HDMI cable. with two identical outputs. If you have a mini-HDMI connector on one of the devices, you will also need to purchase an adapter.
Today in stores offer similar wiresat very different prices - from a couple of tens of dollars to a few hundred. Meanwhile, the quality of the cable in this situation does not particularly affect the connection and the quality of the "picture" on the output, so you can purchase and inexpensive. Before connecting the devices, they must be de-energized. Next, connect the TV and computer cable and turn on (the first is better to turn on the PC, this will eliminate the problems that sometimes arise).
Now on the TV remote it is necessary to selectthe input or source button and specify the HDMI connector as the source. On the computer, you must specify the output as the HDMI playback device. To do this, we find "Control Panel" in the "Start" menu and in the "Sounds and Audio Devices" section we select the necessary equipment. Now we extend the desktop to the TV: "click" the right mouse button on an empty area of the desktop, the "Properties" item, the "Parameters" tab - select the second monitor. If the image on the TV does not appear, you may need to reboot both devices.
How to connect a TV to a computer via DVI and VGA
When using DVI and VGA outputs, all jobsare carried out similarly, therefore there is no difference in the algorithm of actions. If there is a choice which connection to use, it will better stop at DVI (image quality will be much better). If your TV only supports VGA, and the only output with such an interface on the video card is already occupied by the main monitor, you can use the DVI-VGA adapter by connecting it to a free interface (DVI).
Since the DVI / VGA cable is designedexclusively for the transfer of video, we will also need an audio cable with two mini-Jack plugs (3.5 mm) at the ends. Both cables are easy to find in specialized stores, as they are very popular. When connecting, we act according to the standard scheme - we de-energize the devices and connect them with each other by cables.
Please note that the audio cable from the PC must beconnect to the audio-in connector on the TV (next is the same, but audio-out so it's easy to confuse). Next, we perform all the work according to the algorithm described above - only as a signal source we select VGA or DVI.
Author: Vyacheslav Kinko