It hurts under the left rib in front: the main causes of pain in the left side under the ribs
The human body is thinmechanism, any malfunctions in which manifest certain symptoms. If it hurts under the left rib in front, it's worth worrying, since this condition can signal serious abnormalities in the work of the organs. Treatment depends on the causes of pain. To deal with them, you need to see a doctor.
It hurts under the left rib: what can it be?
When there is a minute pain, which no longer repeats, it can safely be forgotten. If she is worried constantly, it is worth asking for help.
Pain under the edge on the left side can talk about violations in the work of the following organs:
spleen - if there is a rupture of the body, there are other symptoms, such as dizziness, pale skin, nausea and others:
pancreas - this organ is located just behind the spleen;
stomach - digestion is disturbed, there is an eructation, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea;
heart - burning and sharp pain (myocardial infarction) occurs under the left breast, and also gives in the hypochondrium (under the upper left quadrant), becomes more intense when inhaled and coughing;
lungs and left part of the diaphragm - painful sensations are concentrated behind, but they can also give to the left hypochondrium.
Why is the noet under the left rib?
Soreness in this area is a sign ofduodenitis or colitis, which is lethargic. Such diseases are often accompanied by nausea. If there is vomiting, there is a suspicion of a stomach ulcer. Also to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which causes such symptoms, include:
pancreatitis (acute girdling pain);
When he whines to the left in the area of hypochondrium and veryit is very painful to breathe, doctors also have a suspicion of pre-infarction, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease. Such diseases need immediate medical attention.
The cause of this symptom may be tumors formed in the internal organs, diaphragm injuries or diaphragmatic hernia, left-sided pneumonia or pleurisy of the lower lobe of the lung.
Why does it hurt under the left rib during pregnancy?
In the first trimester of pregnancy, such a signspeaks about the hormonal changes that occur in the body of a woman. The pain may be traumatic, acute or aching, indicating a decrease in intestinal peristalsis. Often associated with symptoms such as flatulence and constipation, which is not uncommon during pregnancy.
Important! Do not write off this condition for hormonal imbalance or changes in digestion. Sometimes the pain in the left hypochondrium can talk about ectopic pregnancy. During the rupture of the fallopian tube there is a strong sharp pain, sweating increases, the general condition worsens.
In the second trimester (pregnancy), there isincreased growth of the uterus, it stretches, shifting other organs, which leads to pain. In these cases, a woman is recommended to use an antenatal bandage, while resting, try to lie on her right side.
In the third trimester the bottom of the uterus rises,displaces the spleen, stomach, and pancreas. This leads to digestive disorders (swelling, etc.) and painful manifestations (including the lower abdomen). In such cases, pregnant women are advised to switch to a more sparing diet, eliminating fat and fried foods from the diet and preferring easily digestible foods.
Important! The pain of cramping that occurs in the last months of pregnancy can signal the onset of a generic process.
Unpleasant sensations in the left side under the ribs: what actions to take?
Even if other than pain in the left side (orcloser to the center), there are no symptoms, it is necessary to visit a polyclinic. Only the doctor will be able to establish the cause of unpleasant sensations, prescribe tests and, according to their results, diagnose. Perhaps they will not show serious violations, but once again, it's worth worrying. After all, often the pain in the hypochondrium testifies to serious diseases that need timely treatment.
For every disorder that occurs in the body, you should react immediately. This will avoid complications and make treatment faster and easier.