Pigmentation is a complex biochemical process,depending on a number of circumstances. There are three types of melanin: black / brown, red and colorless. The dominance of one of them in the hair and skin layers determines the shade of the skin and hair of a person. Pigmented spots on the breast appear due to excessive accumulation of melanin, which is due to genetic, metabolic, endocrine, physical or inflammatory factors. Before starting corrective procedures, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist and find out the exact reason for the failure of the pigmentation process - this will help to avoid possible complications and side effects.

Pigmented spots on the breast - varieties

Disturbances of pigmentation are secondary and primary, limited (melasma, freckles) are degenerative (Adison's disease, chronic intoxication, chronic dermatoses):

  • freckles. Small hereditary hyperpigmentation, light brown, occurring in people with 1-2 phototypes. Increase in the spring and summer, with age decrease;

  • chloasma. Uneven acquired hyperpigmentation, showing itself spots of irregular dark / brown hue, which can be multiple or single, with or without a tendency to merge;

  • lentigo. Foci of excessive pigmentation, combined with thickening of the epidermis. Lentigo is traditionally associated with an increased risk for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer;

  • nevus Becker. Pigmentary benign formation, "starting" in adolescence. Localized on the chest, back, shoulders. On the traditional treatment of the nevus Becker does not respond.

Pigmented spots on the chest: causes

  1. Skin aging. Withering of the skin is determined by dystrophic deformations in the cells and the negative influence of the external environment. Along with the typical symptoms of skin aging (rough microstructure, tuberosity, thickening), spotted pigmentation and lentigo are observed.

  2. Ultraviolet radiation. Darkening of melanin under the influence of ultraviolet appears in 2-3 hours, while UVA rays are mediated, helping to develop free oxygen radicals that activate lipid oxidation.

  3. Hormonal disorders. The skin is a hormone-dependent organ, so any fluctuations in the hormonal background immediately appear on its condition. Female sex hormones supervise the growth of hair, the work of hair follicles, the activity of the epidermis. Hopping hormonal levels are fixed during the ovulatory cycle, menopause, pregnancy and contraceptive use - this leads to the appearance of pigmentation spots on the chest, under the breast, on the nipples.

  4. Somatic diseases:

    • pathology of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;

    • diabetes, liver disease (viral hepatitis, cirrhosis);

    • chronic / acute dermatosis.

Predisposing factors:

  • ultraviolet radiation;

  • violation of the integrity of the skin (thermal, chemical, mechanical injuries);

  • cosmetic procedures, implying trauma to the skin (the introduction of implants, subcutaneous injections, plastic, cleaning).

Pigmented spots on the chest: how to remove?

Despite the fact that the pigmentation spots do not havenegative impact on health, this aesthetic defect can lead to serious psychological discomfort. Elimination of excessive pigmentation is a joint task of cosmetology and dermatology. Modern medicine has a vast arsenal of remedies that allow normalizing the condition of the skin.

  1. Hardware methods:

    • laser resurfacing. Removes all types of pigment spots, including lentigo and freckles. The skin absorbs laser radiation well, in the region of the hyperpigmented spot it heats up, which causes its evaporation, after which the epidermis is completely renewed;

    • phototherapy. It is based on the technology of pulsed light. The pigmented spot "absorbs" light, darkens and disappears.

    Absolute contraindications: fresh tanning, lactation, herpes in the acute phase, pregnancy period, individual intolerance, tendency to scarring.

  2. Medicinal products with bleaching effect. The leading place in the line is occupied by preparations containing phenols (Timon, Arbutin, Phenol) and phenolic carboxylic acid derivatives (salicylic acid), which exert a mediated / direct effect on the pigmentation.

  3. Recipes of traditional medicine:

    • take berries of red currant, mix with honey (teaspoon), mash, apply gruel to the pigmented spot for 15-20 minutes. Manipulation should be carried out daily for 7-10 days;

    • moisten a gauze swab in kefir (curdled milk, whey), attach to the problem area, remove after 20-25 minutes;

    • the pulp of fresh melon boil in water, apply the decoction on the stain, rinse with warm water after 20-30 minutes;

    • pound the fresh cucumber peel with vodka(40%), insist until the appearance of a green tint. Dilute with water, add glycerin (tablespoon per 100 milliliters of tincture), use as a lotion;

    • take the leaves of black currant, red mountain ash,sorrel (1 piece), grind, add mustard powder (a teaspoonful), water (a teaspoonful). Apply the paste to the hyperpigmentation zone, leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water;

    • ointment from the roots of dandelion: chop the dry roots of dandelion, mix with honey in a proportion of 1: 3, apply to pigment spots once a day for 15-25 minutes, rinse with milk whey;

    • shredded leaves and roots of lovemedicinal (teaspoonful) pour 200 milliliters of water, infuse for 1-2 hours, boil on moderate heat for 10-15 minutes, carefully strain. Wipe the pigment spots twice a day for 10-14 days.

Preventive actions

Unfortunately, to achieve a sustainable result withtreatment of hyperpigmentation is difficult. One day under the bright sun - and the pigmentation spots on the chest may reappear, so it is important to follow preventive measures: as much as possible to limit exposure to ultraviolet radiation, apply protective cosmetics, adhere to the rules of proper nutrition, and regularly undergo preventive medical examinations.

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