Pigmented spots on the back: photo, causes of appearance. Brown spots on the back - what is it?
Skin pigmentation is a dynamic condition,depending on the level of melanin in different parts of the skin. In the technogenic and natural environment, the human body is affected by a variety of factors that increase or decrease the concentration of melanin, disrupting its uniform distribution, resulting in the formation of pigment spots on the back and other segments of the skin.
Pigmented spots on the back: varieties
Pigmented spot - a region of color that is different in color, characterized by pronounced localization, while the shape, hue, size, outlines of the spots can vary significantly:
brown / dark pigmentation spots. Areas of increased melanin accumulation;
light / white pigmentation spots. Depigmentation areas characterized by a lack / low pigment level may be permanent or temporary;
freckles. Spots of small size, appearing against the background of ultraviolet action on the skin or because of genetic predisposition.
Pigmented spots on the back: reasons for the appearance
Chloasma. Clear dark spots appearing on the skin of the back due to increased production of melanin. Can be a consequence of serious abnormalities of the adrenal gland, thyroid, liver. In 10-12% of cases, chloasma is diagnosed in pregnant women, classical localization - around the nipples, on the abdomen, face.
Melanosis. A condition characterized by increased production of melanin. Etiology: avitaminosis, poor adrenal function, hepatic insufficiency, neurovegetative failures, antiepileptic therapy, pregnancy.
Vitiligo. A disease that provokes the formation of round / oval white spots on the back, chest, hands. The pathogenesis of vitiligo is poorly understood, physicians tend to believe that the disease causes pathologies of the thyroid gland and metabolic disorders.
Pityriasis (multicolored) deprive. Fungal infection, causing the appearance of light brown spots on the back, chest, upper limbs. A distinctive feature of the multicolored lichen: after sunburn, the spots brighten, become white, as the fungus destroys melanocytes - the cells that control the production of dark pigments.
Predisposing factors:
physical trauma of the skin, close contact with chemicals;
dysfunction of endocrine glands;
reaction to medications;
lack of vitamins of different groups;
age changes, postpartum period, pregnancy;
diseases of the biliary tract / liver;
genetic features.
allergy (including cats, dogs)
How to remove pigment spots on your back with the help of cosmetology?
If on the back appeared brown pigmentspots that deliver discomfort, they must be removed. Than to treat white, pale pink and other spots? Cosmetological salons offer several effective techniques:
photorejuvenation. Effective and safe way to get rid of hyperpigmentation on the skin of the back. Under the influence of light waves absorbing melanin, the pigment warms up and denaturates (changes the structure) - the skin covers begin to peel, releasing patches for a new epidermis of natural color. In addition, the procedure rejuvenates the face, stimulates the processes of synthesis and regeneration of elastic fibers;
ultrasonic peeling. A popular method of removing pigment spots, in which bleaching compositions are applied to the altered skin segments and eliminate excessive pigmentation by means of ultrasonic waves;
chemical peeling. A reliable, but more complex and dangerous way. In the course of manipulation, pigmented spots are affected by aggressive chemical substances (enzymes / acids) that remove the surface layers of the epithelium. The procedure is painful, with a long period of rehabilitation.
How to remove pigmentation spots on your back at home?
There are many effective and safemedicines, which allow to get rid of pigment spots forever. The list includes creams and ointments with hydroquinone, blocking the synthesis of melanin and removing areas of hyperpigmentation. Owners of sensitive skin dermatologists do not recommend using these drugs due to the high toxicity of hydroquinone.
Recipes of traditional medicine:
pour a teaspoon of shavings from toilet soapa tablespoon of a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), mix until a foamy homogeneous mass, add 2 drops of ammonia. The resulting mixture is applied to the pigment spots for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water. Soften the skin with any nourishing cream;
0.5 tablespoon of potato starch diluted with lemon juice until a thick consistency. Apply the mask to the area of pigmentation, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water;
squeeze the juice from the medium lemon, add vinegar, vodka (a tablespoon), two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%). Mass thoroughly mix, use as a lotion;
take a large spoonful of cottage cheese, add ammoniaalcohol and hydrogen peroxide (two teaspoons), stir. Apply cottage cheese to the dark areas of the skin for 10-15 minutes daily until completely disappearing;
take glycerin (two teaspoons), 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoonful), boric alcohol (two teaspoons), water (a tablespoon). Ingredients to mix, wipe spots 2-3 times a day;
pour 4-5 dry buds inflorescence with 250 millilitersboil, insist 30-40 minutes, cool, drain, dilute with 100 milliliters of clean water. Apply moistened in infusions wadding infusion to the spots 3-4 times a day.
Dangerous pigmentation spots
All skin lesions and pigmentation spots on thebacks are dangerous according to the oncological prognosis. The greatest threat is borne by neoplasms, which changed the shade and size, began to become inflamed, bleed, itch and hurt. Stretched pigmented spots above the skin, bleeding tumors with necrosis areas allow suspected melanoma. Brown spots on the back are often combined with angiomas of the spinal cord, in the spine - with spinal hernias. When there is excessive pigmentation it is recommended to consult a dermatologist - only a specialist can put the correct diagnosis and choose an adequate treatment regimen.